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49 Specialty Tea Brands

From Provocative Tea Branding to Worldly Tea Gift Sets

— August 16, 2014 — Lifestyle
Coffee culture is indeed something that will never fall too far from the mainstream, but as alternative lifestyles and a strong focus on health rises we're seeing tea brands expand in new and innovative directions. Tea is praised by consumers around the world for it's calming effects as well as it's ability to offer a boost between tasks or meals. As such, we're seeing the rise of the niche tea brand in a big way as the specialty tea market expands and transitions from fad to mainstay in the West and beyond.

The health product market is expanding at a rapid rate and the hot steeped beverage is tied closely to this movement. Supported by holistic practices like yoga and a shift towards clean consumption, these tea brands are varied and complex as the very product they supply.
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Organic Zen Hot Beverages
Organic Zen Hot Beverages
Qi Teas Offers a Range of Natural Specialty Products Prepared in China
Interstellar Franchise Teas
Interstellar Franchise Teas
The Star Trek Earl Grey Tea Boasts Intergalactic Goodness
Trekkie English Teas
Trekkie English Teas
Star Trek Earl Grey Tea Lets You Sip Captain Picard's Favorite Brew
Face-Branded Infusions
Face-Branded Infusions
Cutea Packaging Assigns Adorable Characters to Each Herbal Blend
Worldly Tea Gift Sets
Worldly Tea Gift Sets
This Delightful Tea Set Makes for a Thoughtful Mother's Day Gift
Primitive Tea Packaging
Primitive Tea Packaging
Amulet Tea Turns to History for Inspiration
Provocative Tea Branding
Provocative Tea Branding
Calm the F*ck Down Magic Tea Uses Drug-Like References in Its Packaging
Animalistic Tea Branding
Animalistic Tea Branding
Dianelle Kroll Designs Packaging Drawing from Chinese and Polish Culture
Emo Beverage Branding
Emo Beverage Branding
The Basanti Tea Line Wears Only Black and Nothing Else
Judgmental Tea Packaging
Judgmental Tea Packaging
Cynical Tea Bags Make all Your Worries Go Away
Seasonal Steepable Spruces
Seasonal Steepable Spruces
The Mint 'Christmas Tea' Infuses Your Hot Beverage with Festivity
Elegant Elephant Canisters
Elegant Elephant Canisters
Williamson Tea Packaging is Iconic, Exquisite and Eye-Catching
Eclectic Artistic Infusions
Eclectic Artistic Infusions
Communitea Packaging Features Distinctive Doodles on Each Variety
Industrial Tea Packaging
Industrial Tea Packaging
Emil S Goes for a Wooden Look for Clipper Tea
Nightclub Tea Packaging
Nightclub Tea Packaging
Vibe Was Designed in Response to a Preference in Russian Tea Over Vodka
Triangular Tea Packaging
Triangular Tea Packaging
Boxes for Tea Forte Take Inspiration from Basic Geometric Shapes
High Class Tea Branding
High Class Tea Branding
High Tea with Harriet Reflects a Luxurious Lifestyle
Alphabetic Block Branding
Alphabetic Block Branding
Johan & Nystrom Tea Packaging Embodies the Basics in Form and Principle
30s-Inspired Tea Packaging
30s-Inspired Tea Packaging
This Deco English Breakfast Tea Box Honors Twining's 80th Anniversary
Implement-Mimicking Marketing
Implement-Mimicking Marketing
Matcha Milk Tea Packaging Takes the Shape of the Tool That Makes It
Canned Infusion Branding
Canned Infusion Branding
T Tea Packaging Embraces Sleek and Simple Shelf Appeal
Winsome Winged Branding
Winsome Winged Branding
Butterfly Kingdom Tea Packaging Has a Colorful Delicacy to Its Design
Bulging Belly Branding
Bulging Belly Branding
Mate Tea Packaging Loses its Pudge as its Contents are Consumed
Bare Beverage Branding
Bare Beverage Branding
Naked Foods Packaging Strips Down to Communicate the Essentials
Bird-Branded Infusions
Bird-Branded Infusions
Wilder Tea Packaging Features a Range of Fetching Fowl
Loud Beverage Branding
Loud Beverage Branding
Leticia Saenz Tea Packaging Uses Text and Color to Express Powerful Flavor
Elegant Earl Grey Branding
Elegant Earl Grey Branding
L Donatelle Tea Packaging Infuses Sipping with Sophistication
Unblocked Brew Branding
Unblocked Brew Branding
Chee Teachee Tea Packaging is a Lovely Adaptation of the Logic Game
Simplified Foliage Branding
Simplified Foliage Branding
Ellie Tea Packaging Features a Perfect Symbol to Illustrate its Image
Affectionate Infusion Branding
Affectionate Infusion Branding
Love in a Cup Tea Packaging Embodies an Adorable Warmhearted Design
Minimalist Tea Packaging
Minimalist Tea Packaging
2 Tea Bags Celebrates the Idea of "Tea for Two"
Lovely Illustrated Loose Leaf
Lovely Illustrated Loose Leaf
Harvest Fine Tea is a Delight to the Eyes to Match the Flavor Inside
Infusion Art Branding
Infusion Art Branding
TripTea Packaging Creatively Indulges the Sense of Sight
Faux Timber Tins
Faux Timber Tins
Caribou Tea Packaging Aims to Reference the Roots of Loose Leaf Suppliers
Painterly Infusion Packaging
Painterly Infusion Packaging
Taiwan High Mountain Tea Embodies an Elegant and Organic Aesthetic
Iconic Pop Queen Infusions
Iconic Pop Queen Infusions
Gaga Tea Packaging is Inspired by the Eccentric Celeb Loose Leaf Lover
Lovely Loose Leaf Branding
Lovely Loose Leaf Branding
Lov Organic Tea is a Treat for the Planet and the Palate
Illustrated Aroma Branding
Illustrated Aroma Branding
Twinings Pyramids Tea Packaging Visually Suggests its Flavors
Holistic Beverage Branding
Holistic Beverage Branding
Good Tea Packaging is Healthy for the Drinker and the Planet
Illustrated Infusion Sleeves
Illustrated Infusion Sleeves
Mood Garden Tea Packaging Blossoms with Thoughtful Details
Architectural Infusion Branding
Architectural Infusion Branding
Zuuk Tea Packaging Takes Aesthetic Inspiration from Buildings
Organic Motif Merchandizing
Organic Motif Merchandizing
Domaci Caj Tea Packaging is Infused with Lively Forms of Loose Leaf
Exquisitely Sketched Branding
Exquisitely Sketched Branding
Pavilion Garden Tea Packaging is Etched with Elegant Vintage Designs
Beautifully Bottled Infusions
Beautifully Bottled Infusions
Paromi Tea Packaging Looks Refined in Matte Glass Bottles
Voluptuous Infusion Branding
Voluptuous Infusion Branding
Bolu Tea Packaging Stacks for an Elegant Display of Exquisite Flavors
Winsome Windowed Cartons
Winsome Windowed Cartons
Leafy Tea Packaging Opens Up to a Colorful World of Delicate Flavors
Compacted Geometric Packaging
Compacted Geometric Packaging
NRG Organic Tea Boxes Give an Illusion of Great Depth and Complexity
Octahedral Infusion Branding
Octahedral Infusion Branding
Senba Tea Packaging Has Great Dimension that Alludes to its Flavor
Modular Tea Gift Boxes
Modular Tea Gift Boxes
Ken Lo's Tea Packaging Design is Modular and Patchwork-Like