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70 Personal Authenticity Innovations

From Feminist Celebrity Newsletters to WOC Beauty Boxes

— January 20, 2016 — Top Lists
These personal authenticity innovations range from patriotic clothing lines to feminist celebrity newsletters. While GIRLS star Lena Dunham and producer Jenni Konner teamed up to create the Lenny newsletter -- the publication features Duham's personal essays on gender equality and discussions about health, politics and fashion -- Harry Potter star Emma Watson recently launched a feminist book club that hopes to promote female empowerment.

Similarly, model Karlie Kloss shows fans a candid side in her YouTube vlog while reality star Kylie Jenner shares her beauty secrets through a self-curated app. In addition to celebrity initiatives that promote self-expression or an important social cause, other notable examples include travel communities for single women and fitness campaigns that stress the importance of self-acceptance and body positivity.

Other standouts in the realm of personal authenticity include WOC beauty subscriptions that cater to a diverse market and cultural yoga publications that profile fitness influencers in the African American community. Thanks to social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Periscope, Millennials are able to express themselves more candidly than past generations. This generation's desire for self expression makes them crave hyper-personalized experiences that cater to niche interests rather than the mainstream.
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