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55 Frightful Marketing Techniques

From Event-Promoting Horror Videos to Wide-Eye Toy Campaigns

— October 11, 2013 — Marketing
These frightful marketing techniques are some clever examples of how images of violence or simply scary references can easily capture the attention and gaze of potential viewers.

With the amount of advertisements and print ads that people see on a regular basis, PSAs and commercials are most often dismissed and forgotten about. These frightful marketing techniques however, have creatively utilized tactics that will scare and frighten viewers into remembering their message or product. From violent vehicle campaigns that boldly showcase passengers getting injured by cars to ads that feature creepy dolls and faceless characters, these frightful marketing techniques are sure to make an impression with their eerie and unsettling themes.

Sure to attract horror fanatics or simply those intrigued by scary themes, these frightful marketing techniques will definitely make viewers remember these ads for a long time to come.
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Apparition Aroma Ads
Apparition Aroma Ads
The Electra Chef Campaign Sheds Light on Odor Haunted Homes
Event-Promoting Horror Videos
Event-Promoting Horror Videos
Portfolio Night Could be as Scary as the Terrifying Promo Vid
Ghostly Porcelain Figurine Ads
Ghostly Porcelain Figurine Ads
The Fevikwik Instant Adhesive Campaign has a Supernatural Streak
Scary Sci-Fi Prequel Promos
Scary Sci-Fi Prequel Promos
The Ridley Scott 'Prometheus' Trailer has Many 'Alien' References
Deadly Automotive Ads
Deadly Automotive Ads
The Banned Smart Ad Will Have You Scared of Your Backseat
Sensually Violent Smartphone Ads
Sensually Violent Smartphone Ads
Blackberry's 'Two Scoops' Ad was Directed by Robert Rodriguez
Gun-Toting Violence PSAs
Gun-Toting Violence PSAs
The YouTube 'Gun Safety Gone Wrong' Film Fires in all the Right Ways
Monstrous Fashion Campaign Videos
Monstrous Fashion Campaign Videos
The 'Monsters Inc.' Fall Fashion Video is Truly Strange
Disturbing Explosive Commercials
Disturbing Explosive Commercials
The Denmark Against Landmines 'Picnic Gone Wrong' Ad is Scary
Horrific Porcelain Ads
Horrific Porcelain Ads
The Profondo Rosso Campaign is Shockingly Gory
Violence-Perpetuating Ads
Violence-Perpetuating Ads
The Convivencia Sin Violencia Campaign Urges People to Stop the Cycle
Frightening Facial Hair Ads
Frightening Facial Hair Ads
The Newest Movember Ad Features David and his Creepy Mustache
Humane Pest Prevention Ads
Humane Pest Prevention Ads
The Electromagnetic Rodent Repellent is Cruelty-Free
Lost Literary Characters
Lost Literary Characters
The Micromax Mobile Ad Campaign Shows You Will Never Go Astray
Frightening Flashlight Faces
Frightening Flashlight Faces
Relive Your Childhood Fears Campaign is Inspired by Campfire Tales
Spinning Perspective Ads
Spinning Perspective Ads
The Mercedes-Benz 4MATIC Campaign Depicts Being Out of Control
Villainous Vampiric Ads
Villainous Vampiric Ads
This Tabard Mosquito Repellant Campaign Features Serious Blood Suckers
Monstrous Pimple Ads
Monstrous Pimple Ads
The Oatmeal Spot Clear Ad Campaign Shows What People See When They Have a Zit
Perforated Portrait Ads
Perforated Portrait Ads
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Campaign Advocates a Cure
Violent Lawn Campaigns
Violent Lawn Campaigns
The Stihl Viking Ads Seem to Have a Rather Violent Ending
Alleyway Attack Ads
Alleyway Attack Ads
The World Asthma Foundation Campaign Shows That the Disease Can Hit Anytime
Violent PC-Human Relationships
Violent PC-Human Relationships
Make-Up Courses to Promote Sports
Pizza Delivery Adventures
Pizza Delivery Adventures
The Hell Pizza 'Deliver Me to Hell' Advertisement is Explosive
Devilish Vacuum Commercials
Devilish Vacuum Commercials
The Dirt Devil Exorcist Ad is Freakishly Funny
Frightened Profile Update Ads
Frightened Profile Update Ads
The SOS Violence Conjugale Campaign Sheds Awareness on Spousal Abuse
Accident Prevention Campaigns
Accident Prevention Campaigns
The New Kia Advertisement Warns Viewers About Distracted Driving
Wide-Eye Toy Campaigns
Wide-Eye Toy Campaigns
The BIC Alcaline Battery Ads are Intense
Shushing Blowdryer Ads
Shushing Blowdryer Ads
The Philips ActiveCare 2300 Hairdryer Campaign Lulls Babies to Sleep
Barbaric Furniture Ads
Barbaric Furniture Ads
The Connect Furniture Print Ads Show People Why They Need Furniture
Blood-Sucking Smoking Ads
Blood-Sucking Smoking Ads
The 'Mask' Campaign Discourage Smoking Through Dracula-Like Smokes
Ghostly Donor Campaigns
Ghostly Donor Campaigns
The France Adot 2011 Ads Celebrate and Thank Organ Donors
Scary Surgical Utensils
Scary Surgical Utensils
Toronto East General Hospital Ads Promote Express Expansion Goals
Violent Pinata Ads
Violent Pinata Ads
Pluton Advertising Agency Encourages You to Beat Up Winter
Ghostly Presence Prints
Ghostly Presence Prints
This Perdigao Campaign Promotes Meals of Deceased Granny's Standard
Frightening Illness Ads
Frightening Illness Ads
'The Bear' HIV Prevention Commercial Shows the Masked Qualities of HIV
Blindfolded Victim Ads
Blindfolded Victim Ads
The Instituto Crianca Nosso Futuro Campaign Focuses on False Promises
Murderous Meal Ads
Murderous Meal Ads
Danio by Danone Campaign Kills Your Hunger with its Food Products
Frightening Food Safety Ads
Frightening Food Safety Ads
Parents and Kids Should watch Out for the Scorpion in the Burger
Kia Soul Ad Campaign Gives Mobsters a Sneak Peek Inside
Scary Listening Promos
Scary Listening Promos
BBC Radio Science Fiction Ad Scares You Into Listening
Violent Darwinian Robo Art
Violent Darwinian Robo Art
"Evolution of Technology" by Saturn Electronics
Burger King's ‘Open Late' Campaign Caters to Scary Villains
Violent Car Campaigns
Violent Car Campaigns
The Lamborghini Aventador 2011 Ads Have an Agressive Message
Gory Toy Campaigns
Gory Toy Campaigns
The Caritas Ad Campaign Warns Parents of Violent Playthings
Violent Movie Promotions
Violent Movie Promotions
More 'Terminator Salvation' Artwork Hits the Web
Interactive Anti-Blemish Ads
Interactive Anti-Blemish Ads
Peel-Off Zits & Cellulite You Can Pop
Banned Gaming Posters
Banned Gaming Posters
PlayStation Move Ad Throws a Few Too Many Punches for the Public Eye
Uncovering Alcoholism
Uncovering Alcoholism
These PSA Ads Reveal The Ugly Reality
Ghostly Fading Health Campaigns
Ghostly Fading Health Campaigns
These Truth Anti-Smoking Ads Shine a Light on Mortality
Monster-Full Fashion Ads
Monster-Full Fashion Ads
The Mulberry Fall 2012 Campaign is Entirely Enchanting
Beautifully Sinister Photography
Beautifully Sinister Photography
Wie Es Euch Gefallt by Carsten Witte is Mysterious and Moody
Child-Frightening Toy Ads
Child-Frightening Toy Ads
The Limited Edition Collectible Toys Campaign is Not Geared Towards Kids
Role Reversal Shockvertising
Role Reversal Shockvertising
'Humans for Animals' Creates an Alarming Campaign
Banned Shockvertisements
Banned Shockvertisements
Overly-Morbid Print Ads