Flavor reversal pops up in dairy products for unexpected summer enjoyment
Implications - Sweet and savory flavors are often combined to satiate the experiential eater. To satisfy this growing desire for flavor reversal, as well as cater to the current health food wave, many food manufacturers are introducing wholesome ingredients, such as root vegetables, into milkshakes, ice cream and other dairy desserts. This shift not only indicates that flavor cross-over is here to stay, but that vegetables could replace fruit, even in terms of traditional summer treats.
Workshop Question - What do you identify as your brand's key value proposition for consumers? Does this differ from what your consumers identify? If so, how could you combine these?
Trend Themes
1. Flavor Reversal - The combination of sweet and savory flavors is becoming increasingly popular in dairy products, presenting an opportunity for manufacturers to experiment with unique combinations.
2. Superfood Infusion - Food manufacturers are introducing wholesome ingredients, such as root vegetables, into desserts, providing a healthier alternative for consumers.
3. Savory Desserts - The trend towards salty and savory flavors in desserts, including ice cream and shakes, is providing an opportunity for manufacturers to experiment with unique and unconventional flavor combinations.
Industry Implications
1. Food Manufacturing - Food manufacturers can capitalize on the growing demand for unique and experimental flavors in dairy products and desserts.
2. Health and Wellness - The trend towards integrating superfoods and wholesome ingredients into desserts presents an opportunity for businesses in the health and wellness industry.
3. Hospitality and Tourism - Savory and unique dessert flavors can attract adventurous foodie consumers to restaurants and hotels in the hospitality and tourism industry.