Online etiquette is important to connected consumers
Implications - Social media has become a culture, and as in any culture, it has norms, conventions and accepted etiquette that users should follow. However, not every consumer knows exactly how to use social media with manners, which is why designers have created tools to provide guidance on the subject. Everything from email tone checkers and texting guides to Facebook etiquette instructions exist for those who need extra help on being courteous while connected.
Trend Themes
1. Growing Importance of Online Etiquette - The rise of social media has led to a growing emphasis on the importance of following online etiquette.
2. Tools to Manage Communication Online - Designers have created tools such as spell-checkers and citation pads to help users communicate more effectively online.
3. Guides and Manuals for Navigating Social Media - Social media guidebooks and infographics have been created to help users navigate the complexities and nuances of various social media platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry can create and market tools to help users manage and navigate social media.
2. Consulting - Consultants can advise businesses and individuals on proper social media usage and develop customized guidelines and policies.
3. Education - Educational institutions can offer courses and workshops on social media etiquette and provide guidance for using social media strategically.