Social Media Citation Teaches Proper Social Networking
Souzan Michael — July 5, 2011 — Pop Culture
References: modcloth & perpetualkid
Everyone has a friend on Facebook who is in dire need of a Social Media Citation. This is the friend who incessantly updates their status with way-too-personal information, tags you in embarrassing pictures, continually sends you Farmville invites and likes their own statuses and pictures.
The Social Media Citation notepad will solve this problem by providing a checklist of Facebook violations like 'endless relationship status changes' and 'friending nonfriends.' Just fill out this handy sheet of paper with the violators' names, check off their offenses and hand it to them as a (not so) friendly reminder of what not to do while on the world wide Web.
Not only will you benefit from the Social Media Citation notepad due to the sudden purge of unnecessary information from your newsfeed, but everyone else on Facebook will thank you too.
The Social Media Citation notepad will solve this problem by providing a checklist of Facebook violations like 'endless relationship status changes' and 'friending nonfriends.' Just fill out this handy sheet of paper with the violators' names, check off their offenses and hand it to them as a (not so) friendly reminder of what not to do while on the world wide Web.
Not only will you benefit from the Social Media Citation notepad due to the sudden purge of unnecessary information from your newsfeed, but everyone else on Facebook will thank you too.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Citation - The trend of using physical notepads to provide reminders and guidelines for proper social media etiquette, creating opportunities for companies to develop innovative products and services that help people navigate social networks.
2. Facebook Violations - The trend of identifying and categorizing specific actions on Facebook that violate proper online etiquette, paving the way for businesses to create tools and software that help users identify and avoid these violations.
3. Purge of Unnecessary Information - The trend of individuals seeking to remove irrelevant and unwanted content from their social media feeds, presenting an opportunity for companies to develop algorithms and filters that curate personalized and relevant content for users.
Industry Implications
1. Stationery - The stationery industry can create innovative social media citation notepads that help users enforce proper etiquette on social networking platforms.
2. Technology - Technology companies can develop applications and software that alert users when certain Facebook violations occur, allowing them to make necessary adjustments to their behavior.
3. Social Media Management - Companies in the social media management industry can develop tools and platforms that assist users in filtering and curating their social media feeds to remove unwanted or irrelevant content.