Brands recognize unappreciated heroes to enhance ads with emotional appeal
Implications - Creating circumstances that strike a personal cord, brands are utilizing themes of appreciation to give thanks to influential, yet uncommonly recognized archetypes like moms and Good Samaritans. By showcasing acknowledgements of broad personality types, brands enable consumers to see themselves in the characters celebrated, creating a deeper emotional attachment.
Trend Themes
1. Appreciation-themed Marketing - Brands are utilizing themes of appreciation to give thanks to influential yet uncommonly recognized people in their commercials, showcasing acknowledgments of broad personality types to create a deeper emotional attachment.
2. Emotional Marketing - Brands are utilizing emotional themes in their marketing to create brand loyalty and deeper engagement with their customers.
3. Cause Marketing - Brands are utilizing cause marketing to create brand loyalty, drive engagement and improve social impact.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can utilize appreciation-themed marketing and emotional marketing to engage customers and drive sales.
2. Insurance - The insurance industry can utilize emotional marketing and cause marketing to showcase their company values and drive customer loyalty.
3. Fast Food - The fast food industry can utilize cause marketing and appreciation-themed marketing to improve their social impact and drive customer engagement.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
211,978 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 14 — Feb 15
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