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Liquid Protein

Protein is infused in water-based beverages for varying purposes

Implications - Whether related to beauty or health, the incorporation of protein into water-based beverages is on the rise. Offering an alternative to the calorie-rich, denser liquid proteins that are often found on the market, these water-based beverages are able to better cater to consumers looking for fast and simple solutions to the health or cosmetic-related problems they are looking to resolve.
Workshop Question - How could your brand deliver simpler solutions to the problems it's trying to resolve for consumers?
Trend Themes
1. Protein-infused Beverages - Protein-infused beverages are becoming increasingly popular as consumers seek fast and simple solutions to health or cosmetic-related problems they are looking to resolve.
2. Caffeinated Protein Drinks - The combination of high protein content and caffeine is gaining popularity, offering consumers a drink that can help stave off hunger while boosting energy levels.
3. Collagen-enriched Waters - Collagen-enriched waters are becoming popular as consumers take a more upstream approach to their personal care, seeking products that support healthy joints, hair, nails, skin, and overall well-being.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry has an opportunity to create new products and capitalize on the growing demand for protein-enhanced and functional beverages.
2. Beauty and Personal Care Industry - The beauty and personal care industry can introduce products that incorporate collagen and other beneficial proteins for healthier hair, skin, and nails.
3. Fitness Industry - The fitness industry can create new opportunities for products that combine high protein content and caffeine to support active lifestyles.
5 Featured, 42 Examples:
80,944 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 15 — May 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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