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Diabetic Management

Diabetes care tech allows for less invasive forms of managing this disease

Implications - People with diabetes were once limited to invasive forms of at-home testing and treatments, but businesses are increasingly creating less invasive, and more comprehensive, forms of managing the disease. These devices replace or complement the traditional manual injections that those with diabetes must undergo, and serve consumers who are looking for effective ways to take control of their health.
Workshop Question - Conceptualize a more effective solution to one of the consumer problems your brand is trying to tackle, in a scenario where budget or administrative constraints aren't an issue.
Trend Themes
1. Less Invasive Diabetes Management Devices - The rise of less invasive diabetes management devices is improving the quality of life for those with diabetes.
2. Personalized Diabetes Management Programs - The trend toward personalized diabetes management programs is allowing for improved outcomes and targeted approaches.
3. Smart Diabetes Management Apps - The emergence of smart diabetes management apps that use algorithms and analytics is helping individuals make positive lifestyle changes.
Industry Implications
1. Healthtech - Healthtech companies are developing less invasive diabetes management devices and smart apps to improve diabetes care and outcomes.
2. Wearable Technology - Wearable technology that acts as an artificial pancreas is providing an innovative solution for diabetes management.
3. Corporate Wellness - Corporate wellness programs, like Retrofit, are targeting diabetes prevention and management to improve employee health and productivity.
5 Featured, 40 Examples:
71,801 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 17 — May 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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