Influencers get involved in education within their areas of expertise
Implications - With influencer marketing being as prominent as it now is, educational platforms that aim to spout advice and expertise within this industry are coming from the influencers themselves. These summits and conferences legitimize influencers in a market that is just slowly beginning to understand the power of the personal brand—particularly its impact on younger demographics.
Workshop Question - How can your brand become better informed on influencer marketing, and leverage it for its own purposes?
Trend Themes
1. Influencer Education - Influencers offering educational platforms are legitimizing the power of personal branding, particularly among younger demographics.
2. Industry-specific Social Media Conferences - Conferences like SnapHappen and BOF Voices offer networking opportunities and discussion around the progression of fashion and social media.
3. Culture-specific Innovation Summits - Events like Hispanicize Texas highlight the need for diversity and representation in industries regarding business, fashion, media and technology.
Industry Implications
1. Education Technology - There is an opportunity for Edtech companies to partner with influencers to provide educational platforms in various industries.
2. Social Media Marketing - Brands could benefit from attending conferences to stay up to date with social media trends, connect with influencers, and gain marketing opportunities.
3. Diversity and Inclusion Consulting - Innovation summits aimed at diversity could open up a market for consulting groups and help businesses in these areas.