Nightclubs and bars streamline processes with the help of tech
Implications - Nightclub and bar experiences are aiming to attract convenience and novelty-minded consumers by incorporating app and tech-based processes and payment options into their offerings. These traditional spaces are shifting gears in order to better accommodate Millennials' decreased desire to spend money on a night out, and are doing so by including the streamlined tech services that this generation has grown so accustomed to outside of this industry.
Workshop Question - In what areas is your brand remaining steadfast in tradition, to its detriment? How can it look to other brands or industries to better modernize the processes it is perceived to be behind in?
Trend Themes
1. Streamlined Tech Experiences - More bars and nightclubs are incorporating tech and app-based processes in their offerings to better accommodate Millennials' decreased desire to spend money on a night out.
2. Subscription-based Nightlife Access - Apps like 'NEON' offer subscription-based access to nightclubs, changing the traditional pay-per-entry experience.
3. Digital ID Verification - Bar and club operators are integrating digital ID apps, like the Yoti app, to streamline access and identify underage patrons.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - The hospitality industry can invest in streamlined tech experiences to improve customer service and attract younger generations.
2. Entertainment Industry - Subscription-based models could be implemented in the entertainment industry to provide cost-effective access to a variety of venues.
3. Security and Privacy Industry - The use of digital ID verification technology and facial recognition can help prevent fraud, and protect the privacy of users in different contexts.