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GIF Resurgence

Primitive moving images appeal to Internet-savvy consumers

Implications - Looping animated graphics referred to as "GIFs" were created in the 1980s, but have now exploded on web culture as an outlet for absurdist humor, digital art and promotion. The limitations of GIFs prove to make them simultaneously an easy form of expression for tech users and a platform for viral potential.
Trend Themes
1. GIF Culture - GIFs are a new and emerging form of expression and promotion, becoming a cultural phenomenon.
2. Visual Storytelling - The rise of GIFs and pop culture content in general, combined with our ever-decreasing attention spans, has led to a resurgence in visual storytelling and the importance of image-based communication.
3. Diy/tech Creativity - The emergence of easy-to-use, tech-driven tools for creating and sharing GIFs has opened up new avenues for creativity and technological advancement.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing/advertising - GIFs are quickly becoming a popular form of visual content for marketers and advertisers to engage with their audiences.
2. Entertainment - GIFs have emerged as a new medium for visual storytelling and promotion in entertainment, from films to TV shows to blogs and more.
3. Technology - The DIY, easily accessible and shareable nature of GIFs has led to new and exciting innovations in the way we create, share, and interact with content through technology.
7 Featured, 53 Examples:
640,502 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 12 — Mar 13
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Hysterical Pop Culture GIFs
Hysterical Pop Culture GIFs
'Whatshouldwecallme' Blog Documents Funny Events with Moving Pictures
The ‘Whatshouldwecallme’ blog on Tumblr uses animated GIF pictures to accompany funny, real-life occurrences and phrases. The blog features a plethora of pop culture references that... MORE
play_circle_filledMobile DIY GIFs
Mobile DIY GIFs
'MyFaceWhen' iPhone App Allows On-The-Go Hilarity
The popular ‘MyFaceWhen’ blogging concept has majorly caught on as of recent and even inspired this fantastic new app. The ‘MyFaceWhen’ iPhone App released on Thursday allows... MORE
Spastic Firecracker GIFs
Spastic Firecracker GIFs
The Ryan Enn Hughes 'Sparklers' Project is a Moving Masterpiece of Energy
The Ryan Enn Hughes ‘Sparklers’ Project features a series of moving GIFs of some high-energy teens thrashing around a firecracker in a dramatic fashion. Using a DSLR camera with an 8-... MORE
Haunting Halloween GIFs
Haunting Halloween GIFs
The Saline Project's Toht Images Anticipate the Coming of Halloween
The talented brotherly duo that is Adam and Ben Toht have teamed up with The Saline Project in anticipation of Halloween. The designers are expert in the GIF department, and they will be releasing a... MORE
Satirical Animated Gifs
Satirical Animated Gifs
Artist Thoka Maer Addresses the Trials and Tribulations of Daily Life
Thoka Maer, which is the moniker for freelance illustrator and animator Lisette Berndt, has created a series of satirical animated gifs that will amuse even the most serious individual. Addressing... MORE
play_circle_filledAll-GIF Movie Promos
All-GIF Movie Promos
The 'Stoker' Movie Trailer is Made Up of Mysterious and Thrilling Animations
It is undeniable that GIFs have won the hearts of the Internet- and video-savvy, especially when people begin to use them in more commercial ways such as with the ‘Stoker’ movie trailer.... MORE
Animated Gif Photo Booths
Animated Gif Photo Booths
PHHHOTO by HYPERHYPER Makes Party Picture-Taking More Social
It seems that no party is complete anymore if it doesn’t have a photo booth, but that just shows how prevalent they have become; hosts and hostesses can shake things up with PHHHOTO by... MORE

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play_circle_filledBlockbuster Movie Mashups
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play_circle_filledAnimated Art
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