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Cuisine Swap

A desire to eliminate waste leads consumers to share and exchange food sources

Implications - Offering a more interactive method of conserving food, eateries and organizations are utilizing methods of bartering to offer tangible benefits for acts of environmental consideration. Utilizing mobile technology and social engagement, these bartering tactics illustrate a desire for social involvement that prioritizes personal gain.
Trend Themes
1. Bartering Economy - The rise of bartering tactics in food industry demonstrates a desire for social involvement that prioritizes personal gain, creating opportunities for businesses to facilitate bartering exchanges.
2. Food Waste Reduction - Concepts that encourage food waste reduction, such as food sharing communities, anti-waste apps and food waste discounts, are becoming increasingly popular, providing opportunities for businesses to create products or services that encourage food savings for both individuals and restaurants.
3. Convenience and Accessibility - Home-cooked meal networks, such as Mealku, are prioritizing convenient access to nutritious home cooked meals through pick-ups and deliveries, creating spaces for businesses to capitalize on services that bridge the gap between home-cooked meals and accessibility.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Reducing food waste presents an opportunity for hotels and restaurants to become more eco-friendly, A bartering economy within the hospitality industry could help reduce food waste and enhance customer loyalty by promoting individual gains through social involvement.
2. Retail Industry - Anti-waste apps have provided supermarkets and grocery stores with an opportunity to streamline their food inventory while providing customers with discounted goods and reducing food waste. Retailers should look for sustainable solutions to food waste that benefit both their business and the environment.
3. Technology Industry - Technology has enabled the food-saving industry to create more innovative and convenient methods for food exchanges and accessibility. Opportunities to create food exchange apps, technologies that enable bartering, and secure online payment systems for food-sharing communities are available.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
141,830 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 13 — Jun 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

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