Workout aids are revamped as consumers seek more integrated forms of health
Implications - Devices that aid in personal well-being are receiving aesthetic enhancements to seamlessly blend in with routine. Catering to design-conscious consumers -- particularly women -- these contemporary health products emphasize the more lighthearted, fun side of women's fitness, pointing to more positive body image experiences all around.
Trend Themes
1. Fashionable Fitness Trackers - The trend of wearable technology that doubles up as a fashion accessory.
2. Embedded Health Monitoring - The trend of embedding health monitoring devices into everyday wearable fashion items.
3. Fashionable Wearable Tech - The trend of collaboration between wearable tech brands and fashion designers.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness and Health Industry - Fitness and health industries can take advantage of wearable technology to create more stylish and aesthetic fitness products that blend well with daily routine.
2. Fashion Industry - Fashion industries can collaborate with technology brands to add fashionable elements to wearable technology products thereby amplifying the reach of their business.
3. Consumer Electronics Industry - Consumer electronics companies have an opportunity to create wearable devices that cater to the fashion-conscious consumer and that can blend into everyday life.