Brands facilitate at-home cooking for cannabis-based recipes
Trend - Brands in the cannabis industry are facilitating more sophisticated forms of consuming the plant by offering magazines, recipes and cooking classes for consumers’ in this space to try out at home.
Insight - As consumers in North America become accustomed to the now ubiquitous nature of the cannabis industry, they’re looking for ways to incorporate it into every aspect of their lives. With consumers now appreciating DIY projects and rituals that make them feel like they have more control over their habits, the diverse potential of cannabis allows consumers to the opportunity to better engage with the industry.
Insight - As consumers in North America become accustomed to the now ubiquitous nature of the cannabis industry, they’re looking for ways to incorporate it into every aspect of their lives. With consumers now appreciating DIY projects and rituals that make them feel like they have more control over their habits, the diverse potential of cannabis allows consumers to the opportunity to better engage with the industry.
Workshop Question - How could your brand incorporate elements of DIY into its product/service?
Trend Themes
1. DIY Engagement with Cannabis Industry - As consumers become more comfortable with the cannabis industry, DIY opportunities like cooking classes and culinary journals provide a way for them to engage and take control of their experience.
2. Design-centered Cannabis Magazines - The rise of design-focused cannabis magazines highlight the mainstreaming of cannabis as an ingredient and health aid.
3. Cannabis-infused Personal Care Products - Cannabis brands are innovating within the personal care industry, offering canna-friendly products like topicals and salves.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Industry - The rise of cannabis cooking classes, cannabis-specific magazines, and personal care products infused with cannabis fits into the larger trend of the industry's diversification.
2. Personal Care Industry - The cannabis-infused personal care products industry provides opportunities for disruption and innovation within the health and wellness sphere.
3. Print Media Industry - Design-forward cannabis-specific publications like Kitchen Toke represent new opportunities for publishers to create niche, on-trend print products that cater to specific segments of consumers.