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35 Interactive Hashtag Campaigns

These Online Marketing Campaigns Trade Hashtag Use for Incentives

— April 22, 2015 — Marketing
These online marketing campaigns make the most of hashtags by rewarding consumers who engage a brand with something that they desire on the spot. For example, tweeting #PoloTag gave people in South Africa the chance to spontaneously take part in a Volkswagen vehicle test drive, while Heineken's #SparkMyParty aimed to make live house parties in NYC better by showing up with balloons, beer, a DJ and more.

Since many of today's young consumers would rather be participants than targets of an advertisement, these brand campaigns help to create experiences that are genuinely worth sharing. As well as generating lots of attention in the physical world, these examples of branded hashtag campaigns are also successful at collecting conversations on the web and spreading them across social media so that more people can join in.
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