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Top 45 Interactive Trends in July

From In-App Outfit Challenges to Mesmerizing Inflatable Mazes

— July 27, 2019 — Marketing
The July 2019 interactive initiatives spotlight how brands use experience to connect and bring value to their audience or consumers. Some of the examples in this list are quite imaginative and mesmerizing, while others delight with their hyper-targeted themes.

A great example of the former is Architects of Air's striking inflatable maze that challenges the visitor's perception. Other instances are more spread out — like New York-based design studio Donttakethisthewrongway's public punching bags which were deployed in the city to give commuters a space to really express their frustration in a safe manner.

In terms of hyper-targeted experientially focused campaigns, the July 2019 interactive list calls attention to the KFC x Cheetos collaboration that hosted an 'All Orange Everything' pop-up, putting particular emphasis on cheese puffs.
Royal Burger Delivery Stunts
Royal Burger Delivery Stunts
Burger King's 'King of the Streets' Campaign Boasts Free Whoppers
Mysterious Sandwich Cookie Flavors
Mysterious Sandwich Cookie Flavors
Mystery Oreos are Back with a Chance to Win $50,000
Custom Mother's Day Videos
Custom Mother's Day Videos
This KFC Video Boasts a Provocative Version of the Chickendale Dance
Arcade Advertising Strategies
Arcade Advertising Strategies
Tesla Showrooms are Being Converted into Arcades
Stress-Reducing Soda Promotions
Stress-Reducing Soda Promotions
Canada Dry Giving Away Free Soda at the "Most Stressful Locations"
RFID-Enabled Jewelry Experiences
RFID-Enabled Jewelry Experiences
Diamonds International's Interactive Consoles Immerse & Educate
Soda Brand Innovation Competitions
Soda Brand Innovation Competitions
Coca-Cola's Make Your Mix Contest Asks Fans to DIY a New Soda
Virtual Teeth Whiteners
Virtual Teeth Whiteners
AuraGlow's Virtual Teeth Whitening Tool is Powered by Facial Recognition
Cat-Friendly Patio Tours
Cat-Friendly Patio Tours
BC SPCA Launches 'Catio Tours' That are Perfect for Cat Lovers
Virtual Restaurant Campaigns
Virtual Restaurant Campaigns
The Martell Curious Restaurant Shares Three Unique Storylines
Racetrack Glamping Sites
Racetrack Glamping Sites
The M&M'S Glampground Offers a Fun Experience at the Kentucky Speedway
Painterly AR Wine Apps
Painterly AR Wine Apps
Imagery Estate Winery's AR Mobile App Applies Artful Filters
Portrait-Adorned Vegan Cookies
Portrait-Adorned Vegan Cookies
Oreo Yo'self Allows Consumers to Design Special, Custom Oreos
Furniture Brand Happiness Experiments
Furniture Brand Happiness Experiments
IKEA Wants to Send a 'Happiness Hunter' to Denmark
Eyelash-Previewing Apps
Eyelash-Previewing Apps
Deka Lash's Lash Selector App Visualizes Different Styles & Colors
Tie-Dyed Mushroom Sandwiches
Tie-Dyed Mushroom Sandwiches
Quiznos Released the New Magic Mushroom Melt in Denver
Hands-Free Pop-Up Restaurants
Hands-Free Pop-Up Restaurants
Feng Sushi's 'Hands Off!' Pop-Up Offers Kitchen-to-Mouth Service
80-Day Intercontinental Tours
80-Day Intercontinental Tours
Airbnb is Launching an Around the World in 80 Days Trip
Experiential Nugget Activations
Experiential Nugget Activations
The McDonald's Festival Tour Includes a Maze and AR Lenses
Dedicated Cheese Puff Pop-Ups
Dedicated Cheese Puff Pop-Ups
KFC Marked Its Cheetos Collab with An 'All Orange Everything' Pop-Up
NFC Wine Bottle Tags
NFC Wine Bottle Tags
Seppeltsfield Barossa's Grounds Range Features Authenticating Packaging
Interactive DIY Wall Kits
Interactive DIY Wall Kits
Bare Conductive's New Product Turns Walls into Interactive Landscapes
Brand-Sponsored Fitness Events
Brand-Sponsored Fitness Events
Sport Chek's 'Move Makers' is a Day of Free Fitness Classes
No-Plastic Challenge Campaigns
No-Plastic Challenge Campaigns
Boxed Water is Better Invites People to Take a 'No-Plastic Pledge'
Split-Screen Makeup Try-Ons
Split-Screen Makeup Try-Ons
YouTube Now Lets Viewers Play with Augmented Reality Makeup
Sci-Fi Stadium Lenses
Sci-Fi Stadium Lenses
The Chicago Cubs and Snapchat Launched an AR Stranger Things Lens
Artful QR Code Cans
Artful QR Code Cans
Big in Japan's Packaging Can Be Scanned to Discover Songs
Edible Billboard Maps
Edible Billboard Maps
OpenTable Created a First-of-Its-Kind Edible Billboard of London Cuisine
Luxury Car Pop-up Events
Luxury Car Pop-up Events
Jaguar and Wimbledon Will Launch the Ace Pace Wimbledon Edition App
Interactive 3D Ads
Interactive 3D Ads
3D Google Ads are Coming to the Internet Due to Swirl's Unique Formatting
In-App Outfit Challenges
In-App Outfit Challenges
UNIQLO UT & TikTok Created the #UTPlayYourWorld Campaign
Illusory Waterfall Installations
Illusory Waterfall Installations
Burt's Bees' Oasis in the City Promotes Its Natural Lip Balms
Connected Bottle Caps
Connected Bottle Caps
Malibu's Smart Caps Integrate NFC Tech to Link Consumers to Content
Stress-Relieving Public Punching Bags
Stress-Relieving Public Punching Bags
Donttakethisthewrongway's Idea is Tailored to Common Spaces
Promotional Sci-Fi Arcades
Promotional Sci-Fi Arcades
Coca-Cola is Launching a Stranger Things-Themed Pop-Up Arcade
Film-Inspired Social Media Filters
Film-Inspired Social Media Filters
Kindai Celebrates a Cult-Favorite Film with an AR Filter
Luxury Pop-Up Hotels
Luxury Pop-Up Hotels Created a Spa & Hotel Pop-Up for Tough Mudder Participants
Live Shopping Apps
Live Shopping Apps
HelpJess Connects Consumers to Brick-and-Mortar Retail Staff
Rosé-Themed Glamping Experiences
Rosé-Themed Glamping Experiences
Two Sisters Vineyard is Offering a 'Rosé Day Getaway' This June
Interactive Beauty Brand Expriences
Interactive Beauty Brand Expriences
The SEPHORiA 2019 Festival Will Feature More Than 60 Brands
Plastic Exchange Beer Payments
Plastic Exchange Beer Payments
Corona Gave Consumers the Chance to Pay for Beer with Plastic
De-Stressing Beauty Pop-Ups
De-Stressing Beauty Pop-Ups
Murad Launched a Science-Backed Wellness Pop-Up in Los Angeles
Pop-Up Plastic Museums
Pop-Up Plastic Museums
Lonely Whale's Museum of Plastic Boasts Selfie-Friendly Displays
Calmly Immersive Sound Experiences
Calmly Immersive Sound Experiences
Sonos and Google Bring Consumers a Multi-Room Experience
Mesmerizing Inflatable Mazes
Mesmerizing Inflatable Mazes
Architects of Air Curates an Experience That is Perceptually Striking
Whimsically Colorful Playground Designs
Whimsically Colorful Playground Designs
Yinka Ilori's Design is Incredibly Vibrant and Engaging