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100 Infographics About Work

From Extinct Career Charts to Motivating Mobile Job Applications

— October 24, 2014 — Marketing
Sometimes the best way to illustrate a point related to career is with infographics about work topics. Humans are visual creatures, which is why this engaging format isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It also gives designers a chance to display information creatively and brands to get their message across. Given the amount of time people spend at the office, it makes sense so many infogrpahics about work would exist.

These charts cover a variety of topics, including ones related to happiness and job satisfaction, such as office mood-improving tips and discontented worker-detecting infographics. Many focus on resumes and landing a job, like professional first impression tips and creatively illustrated CVs. Others narrow in on a specific job, with pessimistic designer infographics and blogger salary statistics as examples.
Company Cash Coffer Charts
Company Cash Coffer Charts
Discover How Much Money the Five Top Tech Giants Really Have
Female Directorial Infographics
Female Directorial Infographics
This Women and Hollywood Infographic Offers Discouraging Stats
Economic Disparity Infographics
Economic Disparity Infographics
The Economic Disparity Chart Reveals Divides Between Rich & Poor
World's Worst Jobs Infographics
World's Worst Jobs Infographics
Lapham Quarterly's Analyzes the Worst Ways to Earn a Livelihood
Modern Networking Job Graphics
Modern Networking Job Graphics
The 'Social Media Work Flow' Infographic Examines the Career Option
Summer Productivity Infographics
Summer Productivity Infographics
Grasshopper's Chart Reveals Why People Fall into a Summer Slump
Employment Enjoyment Infographics
Employment Enjoyment Infographics
This Infographic Shows How Satisfying Your Career is
Post-Grad Survival Guides
Post-Grad Survival Guides
Follow these Tips if You Need Help Preparing for the Financial Future
Tech Leadership Infographics
Tech Leadership Infographics
Learn About the Ever-Changing Role of the CIO in Today's World
Utile Financial Management Charts
Utile Financial Management Charts
This Infographics’s Tips Cuts Your Costs Grandly
Workplace Longevity Infographics
Workplace Longevity Infographics
This Infographic Shows Sitting Less Can Extend Your Life Span
Jobless Graduates Infographics
Jobless Graduates Infographics
The Infograph ‘Gen Y Can’t I Get a Job?’ Asks Why
Career Happiness Infographics
Career Happiness Infographics
This Infographic Shows What Degree Makes You Most Content
Futuristic IT Career Charts
Futuristic IT Career Charts
The 'Where the Tech Jobs Are' Infographic Smartly Examines Potential
Proper Interview Etiquette Infographics
Proper Interview Etiquette Infographics
Best Interview Practices are Essential to Getting the Job
Determining Career Path Charts
Determining Career Path Charts
This 'Before Choosing a College or Career' Guide is Insightful
Evolving Leadership Charts
Evolving Leadership Charts
The 'Management Revolution' Infographic Teaches Leadership Improvements
Marketer Composition Charts
Marketer Composition Charts
Modern Marketing Professionals Must be Both Artists and Scientists
Diversity Displaying Doodles
Diversity Displaying Doodles
Illustrations Visually Depict Google Diversity Report Statistics
Computerizable Job Stats
Computerizable Job Stats
An Infographic Visualizes Oxford University Data on Job Automation
Social Media Employment Charts
Social Media Employment Charts
This Infographic Highlights How Essential a LinkedIn Account Is
New Employee Retention Stats
New Employee Retention Stats
A Bamboo Infographic Explains the Secrets to Retaining New Hires
Inspiring Employees Infographics
Inspiring Employees Infographics
TEC Guides CEOs in Creating the Company Culture that They Want
Late Learner Infographics
Late Learner Infographics
Funders and Founders Lists Famous Late Bloomers in a Motivational Chart
Average College Freshman Infographics
Average College Freshman Infographics
This Citizens Bank Graphic Describes the Average Freshman
IT Career Salary Infographics
IT Career Salary Infographics
This Infographic Highlights IT Jobs with the Highest Pay and Growth
Job-Landing Virtual Strategies
Job-Landing Virtual Strategies
This Infographic Offers Helpful Social Media Strategies
Helpful Hiring Hint Charts
Helpful Hiring Hint Charts
These Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes Must Be Avoided at All Costs
Job Loss Infographics
Job Loss Infographics
Tribehr’s Quirky Infographic Shows 13 Reasons for Job Cuts
Unproductive Workplace Infographics
Unproductive Workplace Infographics
Biz 3.0's Work Infographic Shows Common Time-Wasters
Salary-Boosting Infographics
Salary-Boosting Infographics
Negotiating for a Raise is Made Approachable by Grad School Hub
Internship-Encouraging Infographics
Internship-Encouraging Infographics
This Chart Will Help Push You to Find That Summer Internship
Workday-Enhancing Charts
Workday-Enhancing Charts
'44 Simple Daily Activities To Enjoy Your Work' Offers Helpful Tips
Mid-Career Pregnancy Infographics
Mid-Career Pregnancy Infographics
This Infographic Teaches You About Maternity Leave
Productivity-Aiding Infographics
Productivity-Aiding Infographics
This Productivity Plan is Going to Help You Survive the Week
Pessimistic Designer Infographics
Pessimistic Designer Infographics
This Chart Explores Realistic Aspects of a Graphic Design Career
Speedy Media Employment Charts
Speedy Media Employment Charts
Find Out How to Get a Job in Social Media in Just Five Minutes
Motivating Mobile Job Applications
Motivating Mobile Job Applications
This Infographic Illustrates an Easy Application Process
Dream Job Interview Guides
Dream Job Interview Guides
This Graduate Recruitment Infographic Offers Tips and Statistics
Creative Hiring Infographics
Creative Hiring Infographics
This ‘10 Step Guide to Hiring a Designer’ Infographic is Helpful
Everyday Work Music Infographics
Everyday Work Music Infographics
This Chart Discusses the Right Music for the Right Time
Happiness-Encouraging Work Infographics
Happiness-Encouraging Work Infographics
This Infographic Encourages Happiness in the Workplace
Productivity-Boosting Graphics
Productivity-Boosting Graphics
This Graphic Reveals Six Simple Daily Habits to Practice
Online Job-Sourcing Statistics
Online Job-Sourcing Statistics
Learn Five Ways Social Recruiting Can Help Find Top Talent
Disengaged Employees Infographics
Disengaged Employees Infographics
Officevibes Illustrates the 13 Personality Traits of Bad Workers
Job-Picking Infographics
Job-Picking Infographics
These Informative Illustrations From JobCluster Cover Choosing a Career
Freelance Fact-Exposing Infographics
Freelance Fact-Exposing Infographics
This Freelance Infographic Helps with Career Dilemmas
Job-Boosting Food Charts
Job-Boosting Food Charts
'You Are What You Eat at Work' Shows Foods for Optimal Work Performance
Resume Vamping Infographs
Resume Vamping Infographs
This Infograph for Would-Be Editorial Intern Jobs is a Great Help
Distracting Office Activity Charts
Distracting Office Activity Charts
The '3 Common Time Wasters at Work' Outlines Work Distractions
CEO Failure-Combating Charts
CEO Failure-Combating Charts
Learn the Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs to Attain Your Goals
Revised Workforce Demand Stats
Revised Workforce Demand Stats
The Chart Exhibits 2013's Most In Demand Jobs and Skills
Employment Advice Infographics
Employment Advice Infographics
Get the latest Tips and Tricks for Social Media Job Hunting
Work Productivity Infographics
Work Productivity Infographics
Data Indicates Working Longer Hours Does Not Mean More Productivity
Perk-Filled Job Graphics
Perk-Filled Job Graphics
The 'Google vs. Facebook Internships' Infographic is Career-Minded
Interview Tactic Charts
Interview Tactic Charts
'What You Wish You’d Known Before Your Job Interview' is Insightful
Low-Paying Degree Infographics
Low-Paying Degree Infographics
This Infographic Reveals the Five Lowest Paying Master's Degrees
Workplace Enhancement Guides
Workplace Enhancement Guides
This Infographic by Nowsourcing Ecourages a Better Corporate Culture
Unconventional Career Salary Infographics
Unconventional Career Salary Infographics
This Salary Infographic Looks at Odd Job Pay Rates
Online Resume-Improving Graphics
Online Resume-Improving Graphics
Improve Your LinkedIn Profile with This Infographic's 17 Tips
Search Engine Career Graphics
Search Engine Career Graphics
The 'What it Takes to Get a Job at Google' Infographic Lays it Out
Freelance Personality Infographics
Freelance Personality Infographics
This Chart Displays Traits of Self-Employed Workers in the UK
Entrepreneurial Career Tips
Entrepreneurial Career Tips
This Infographic Offers Advice On Establishing a Personal Brand
Office Mood-Improving Tips
Office Mood-Improving Tips
This Joyful Infographic Explains How to Achieve Happiness at Work
Effective Entrepreneurial Teamwork Charts
Effective Entrepreneurial Teamwork Charts
A Great Startup Culture Creates the Optimal Workplace
Productivity-Boosting Infographics
Productivity-Boosting Infographics
This Infographic Depicts '9 Ways to Be Productive'
Arts Degree Infographics
Arts Degree Infographics
This Chart Exhibits Positive Views on Liberal Arts Degree Career Paths
Workplace Personality Charts
Workplace Personality Charts
Characterize Your Co-Workers with This Humorous Infographic
Comedic CV Cartoons
Comedic CV Cartoons
Almagreta Arranged Funny Resume Quotes in this Illustrated Infographic
Pre-Employment Screening Charts
Pre-Employment Screening Charts
The Social Media Pre-Employment Screening Chart is Informative
Social Job Search Statistics
Social Job Search Statistics
Attract Recruiters with These Five Practical LinkedIn Profile Tips
Rewarding Employment Infographics
Rewarding Employment Infographics
This Infographic Rates the Highest Paying Jobs Worldwide
Career Success-Navigating Charts
Career Success-Navigating Charts
This Infographic Shows Optimal Career Paths for Sucess
Employee Retainment Infographics
Employee Retainment Infographics
'How to Be a Good Boss' Describes How to Get and Keep Employees
Discontented Worker-Detecting Infographics
Discontented Worker-Detecting Infographics
These Red Flags Help Identify Unhappy Employees
Managerial Routine Infographics
Managerial Routine Infographics
This Infographic Shows a Successful Manger's Daily Regime
Blogger Salary Statistics
Blogger Salary Statistics
This Infographic Looks at How People Make Money Blogging
Workplace Positivity Infographics
Workplace Positivity Infographics
CMD's Infographic Shares Ways to be More Positive at Work
Creatively Illustrated CVs
Creatively Illustrated CVs
Roberta Cicerone's Resume Infographic Demonstrates Artistic Talent
Unmotivated Worker Tips
Unmotivated Worker Tips
The Chart Identifies Performance Hindrances and Offers a Motivation Boost
Entrepreneur Evolution Infographics
Entrepreneur Evolution Infographics
This Entrepreneur Graphic Shows Innovators Throughout History
Poor Worker Personalities
Poor Worker Personalities
This Infographic Describes the Types of Employees You Should Fire
Extinct Career Charts
Extinct Career Charts
The CIPHR Infographic Lists 10 Jobs Becoming Obsolete Because of Technology
Self-Starter Career Charts
Self-Starter Career Charts
See How the Entrepreneurial Mindset Impacts Business Decisions
Helpful Productivity Infographics
Helpful Productivity Infographics
This Infographic Helps Teach You How to Use Your Time Wisely
Powerful CEO Infographics
Powerful CEO Infographics
The Anatomy of a CEO Infographic Shows that 11 Percent of CEOs are Bald
Perfecting Resume Guides
Perfecting Resume Guides
This Infographic Gives Great Tips for Crafting the Perfect Resume
2020 Workplace Infographics
2020 Workplace Infographics
Website Top 10 Online Colleges Visualizes Valuable Future Work Skills
Unhealthy Office Infographics
Unhealthy Office Infographics
The Washington Illustrates Moving Towards a Healthy Work Environment
Unproductive Meeting Infographics
Unproductive Meeting Infographics
Fuze's Chart Debunks the Productivity of Office Meetings
Office Friendship Stats
Office Friendship Stats
This Infographic Explores Data on the Benefits of Having Friends at Work
Startup Timing Infographics
Startup Timing Infographics
This Infographic Shows it's Not Too Late to Start Something Successful
Horrible Bosses Infographics
Horrible Bosses Infographics
This Bad Boss Traits Infographic Shows the 12 Worst Characteristics
Comfort-Improving Office Tips
Comfort-Improving Office Tips
This Workplace Ergonomics Infographic Describe Preventative Measures
Cheeky Resume Infographics
Cheeky Resume Infographics Approaches Resume Help in a Humorous Way
Recession-Proof Career Charts
Recession-Proof Career Charts
This 10 Hottest Careers Infographic is Helpful and Detailed
Informative Infographic Resumes
Informative Infographic Resumes
This Resume Could Land You a Creative Industries Internship
Ideal Career Charts
Ideal Career Charts
This Infographic Explores Career and Personality Type Based on MTBI Results
CEO Comparison Infographics
CEO Comparison Infographics
Tesla CEO Elon Musk Resembles a Real Life Tony Stark
Professional First Impression Tips
Professional First Impression Tips
This Job Interview Advice Infographic Lists Things to Avoid