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65 Crowdsourced Art Pieces

Crowdsourced Creations, From Tattoo Design to Orchestral Concerts

— July 31, 2011 — Pop Culture
Art used revolve around individuals and their personal visions, but thanks to the expanding interest in crowdsourced creations, art by committee has become a new standard in the industry. Forget expressing yourself, you're going to have to get used to group expression!

I'm paraphrasing, but with his last words, Spock explained that the crowd was ultimately more powerful, and maybe even more important, than the individual. Between these crowdsourced creations and the Vulcan's wise words, I'm inclined to acknowledge the power of the group. Whether you're writing a song, designing a clothing line or even orchestrating a laser show, you'll find that the input of a few million other people can often help.

Crowdsourcing, when done properly, is an excellent business model that requires little overhead; however, as an artistic means of expression, it's potentially even more successful. By amalgamating the creativity and emotion of thousands or millions or people, we're often left with breathtaking and sometimes unbelievable results.
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