Collagen-infused sparkling beverages are increasingly popular
Trend - Collagen-infused sparkling waters are offering enhancements to these traditional beverages that aren't typically seen. The use of collagen in these beverages markets them as good for skin and joint health.
Insight - Consumers are more drawn to nutrionally enhanced versions of traditional food and beverage items because they allow for them to be healthier, without changing their routines. If products they typically consume are elevated with nutritional benefits, it helps consumers withut them having to put extra effort into their health.
Insight - Consumers are more drawn to nutrionally enhanced versions of traditional food and beverage items because they allow for them to be healthier, without changing their routines. If products they typically consume are elevated with nutritional benefits, it helps consumers withut them having to put extra effort into their health.
Workshop Question - How is your brand enhancing customers' routines with minimal effort?
Trend Themes
1. Nutrition-enhanced Beverages - Enhancing traditional food and beverage items with nutritional benefits attracts consumers looking to conveniently improve their health.
2. Collagen-infused Drinks - Collagen-infused drinks are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to provide skin and joint health benefits.
3. Functional Beverages - Consumers are drawn toward functional beverages that provide benefits beyond just hydration.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The beverage industry could benefit from exploring opportunities in the health and wellness space by offering enhanced and functional drinks.
2. Consumer Packaged Goods Industry - Consumer packaged goods companies could benefit from incorporating nutritional and wellness benefits into their existing products.
3. Beauty and Personal Care Industry - Beauty and personal care companies could explore the benefits of collagen in their products to provide benefits beyond just skin care.