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Slow-Release Energy

Energy snacks and beverages adopt slow-release qualities to promote endurance

Implications - Healthy, energy enhancing snacks and beverages are incorporating ingredients with slow-release functions that allow for more consistent results, for longer periods of time. This shift comes as consumers' busy lifestyles require an endurance that traditional energy-enhancing foods have failed to address, as most tend to prioritize quick bursts of noticeable, but unsustainable, energy.
Workshop Question - How can your brand curate more positive, long term impacts with its products/services?
Trend Themes
1. Slow-release Energy - Consumers seek longer, more consistent energy bursts from healthy snacks and beverages with slow-release ingredients.
2. Cannabis Health Products - Brands incorporate CBD into drinks to aid gut health, tapping into the growing natural health market.
3. Superstarch for Blood Sugar Control - Generation UCAN incorporates SuperStarch into its products for a sustained energy release and a stable blood sugar level.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage Industry - The slow-release energy trend continues to expand the health food and beverage market by appealing to consumers' active lifestyles.
2. Cannabis Industry - The legalization of cannabis fuels the demand for natural health products like CBD-infused drinks.
3. Fitness Industry - Incorporating slow-release carbohydrates into fitness supplements and snacks allows for sustained endurance and minimal sugar crashes during workouts.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
55,302 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 18 — May 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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