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Shockvertising 2.0

Marketers are sparking attention by REALLY crossing the line

Implications - Web 2.0 and the blogosphere provided a platform that rewards shocking marketers more than ever before. Furthermore, with the strong emphasis our society has placed on political correctness and clean living over the past two decades, it’s not surprising that people are feeling a need to rebel.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Shockvertising - Shockvertising for PSA's can be very effective but may cause offense. Companies can use this tactic to start a debate and spread their message.
2. Biomimicmarketing in Shockvertisement - Using shocking and unexpected imagery can create buzz and add realism to a marketing campaign.
3. Playing Dead in Public Places - Street art shockvertising can turn heads, create a stir and increase awareness about a brand or product.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Using shockvertising within advertising can help create memorable and provocative campaigns.
2. Public Safety - Controversial and realistic ads can be used to remind people of public safety measures.
3. Retail - Using street art shockvertising can create buzz and promote a brand or product in an unconventional way.
12 Featured
802,302 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 06 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Youth Shockvertising II
Youth Shockvertising II
CONCEPT 'Don't Lose Control' Child Abuse Ad
These concept ads related to child-protection are very disturbing. But so is the subject matter. Domestic violence is a serious issue that can leave a child scarred for life. This ad campaign, with realistic… MORE
Biomimicmarketing in Shockvertisement
Biomimicmarketing in Shockvertisement
French AIDS Campaign
These very graphic, extremely disturbing ads are actually part of a real life AIDS campaign in France. The print advertisements consists of images of a man having sex with a giant, black scorpion, and… MORE
PETA Slaughters Humans
PETA has decided to alienate their target market, humans. Their latest ad features slaughtered humans in order to draw out their feelings about humans slaughtering animals. MORE
Strip and Switch
Strip and Switch
PETA Video Uses Stripping to Get You to See Animal Abuse
PETA has launched it's State of the Union video, in which a female reporter strips down to absolutely nothing while educating you about PETA's cause. Then, when you're wondering what comes next with the… MORE
Racy Product Placement
Racy Product Placement
Do Tom Ford's Vaginads Cross the Line?
Adrants recently coined the term “Vaginads,” a hybrid of vagina and advertising after being inspired by two new campaigns. In Tom Ford’s risque new campaign, just like his last ad, (see below) a very… MORE
Playing Dead in Public Places
Playing Dead in Public Places
Shockvertising at its Finest
If it wasn’t at first glance just so repulsive, playing one of the dead arising to hand out brochures might be kind of a kick. This type of shockvertising gets a lot of attention to your product placement… MORE
Bathroom Blood Dispensers
Bathroom Blood Dispensers
Clue Guerrilla Campaign
Picture this: you go into a public washroom at a restaurant or bar and unassumingly squeeze liquid soap onto your palm from a seemingly normal dispenser. Oh it's red, must smell like strawberries... You… MORE
play_circle_filledPunching Employees
Punching Employees
Slow Motion Abuse as a PR Stunt
A production company named Action Figure filmed its employees being punched in the face in slow motion to the rhythm of Robyn’s Be Mine song. “The disturbing thing is that no one questioned it when… MORE
Shockvertising Smokefree Campaign
Shockvertising Smokefree Campaign
NHS: Get Unhooked
What a powerful campaign! With a slogan of “Get Unhooked”, these print ads from NHS smokefree show young guys and girls literally hooked. And by hooked I mean a painful hook up their lips. The ads… MORE
Naughty Surrealism With a Message
Naughty Surrealism With a Message
AIDS 'Explore But Protect Yourself' Wins Bronze at Cannes
These two AIDS prevention ads won a bronze medal at the Cannes International Ad Festival. The ads are very explicit with tongues and male privates foremost in the ads. Some may term this shockvertising,… MORE
Human Arms in Butcher Shops
Human Arms in Butcher Shops
Dexter Guerrilla Campaign II
The promo ads for the series Dexter seem to get more gory by the second. The show is about a hero/antihero, serial killer who murders his victims (he only kills the bad guys) and then chops them up. As… MORE
Murder Realism as Advertising
Murder Realism as Advertising
Print Campaign for '13th Street Murders'
As a companion to their creative Guerrilla bar bathroom campaign, German action and suspense channel, 13th Street, has unveiled an equally scary print ad campaign. Developed by Shackleton ad agency, Madrid,… MORE

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