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Digitized Boring

Simple devices are getting new digital features

Implications - Everything is becoming digital, and boring objects, like pens, are the best examples. One of the greatest perks of high-tech pens is that they manage to store a lot of functionality in a tiny package. The evolution from digital pens that record what you write has continued to pens that detect Wi-Fi, teach you languages, and even sense your emotions through skin temperature and pressure.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Multifunctionality - Digitized devices are being developed with multiple functions previously not possible before.
2. Integration of Technology with Traditional Objects - Technology is being integrated with previously low-tech everyday objects, making for more innovative and intuitive devices.
3. Mobile Productivity - Consumers are looking for products that allow for greater convenience and mobility.
Industry Implications
1. Stationery and Writing Tools - The stationery industry can innovate by incorporating technology into traditional writing tools such as pens and paper.
2. Luxury Goods - Luxury brands have an opportunity to merge technology with their products, adding value and functionality while maintaining their brand image.
3. Language Learning and Education - The education industry can benefit from the use of innovative technologies, such as speaking pens, that enhance the learning experience.
7 Featured
74,572 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08
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Featured Examples

Projected Monitors
Projected Monitors
Computers in Pens
We've been introduced to virtual-keyboards - the ones that are projected onto a flat surface. This computer prototype utilizes the same technology but also includes a projected monitor. All you apparently… MORE
Flash Drive Fountain Pen
Flash Drive Fountain Pen
S.T. Dupont USB
This luxe fountain pen might be nice for a tech geek executive. The S.T. Dupont pen is neo-classical style pen with a 4 gig USB memory stick. The pen body is made of Chinese lacquer and palladium with… MORE
Digital Fountain Pen
Digital Fountain Pen
Send SMS and Email
Send digital messages with a pen? The D-Scribe is a digital pen, designed to look like a traditional fountain pens, however it converts your handwriting into digital form to be sent as either text messages… MORE
Emotion-Sensitive Pens
Emotion-Sensitive Pens
Philips Mood Pens
You've heard of mood rings? Philips, the electronic company, has filed a patent for a mood pen which can record your emotional state as you write. The sensors in the pen's shaft monitors your heart rate,… MORE
Digitally Record Your Scribbles
Digitally Record Your Scribbles
The Zpen
The Zpen is a mixture of technology and a throwback to the old days when we used to use pen and paper to record things instead of PDAs, mobiles, and computers. All you have to do is attach the receiver… MORE
Hot Spot Finder
Hot Spot Finder
Pen Detects Wifi
If you're not quite comfortable wearing a Wifi detecting Tshirt, then this $8 gadget might be the next best thing! The nifty Wi-Fi Detecting Pen is able to sense wireless hot spots, and has four LEDs… MORE
Language Learning 2.0
Language Learning 2.0
The Speaking Pen
The Speaking Pen is a new innovative for language learning. Equipped with an optical reader, the Speaking Pen enables learners to listen to the exact native pronunciations of a word. By pointing the pen… MORE
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