New furniture is lighting up the scene
Implications - A growing wave of designers are answering a fascination with illuminated textiles. In our 2008 report, we watched this spark up the fashion scene, with glow-in-the-dark clothing and accessories; in 2009, we now see furniture flaring up. Some pieces are new takes on lighting, others are setting custom moods, while others are purely design.
Trend Themes
1. Multi-functional Furniture - With living spaces getting smaller furniture makers can create pieces that combine multiple functions to help consumers save space.
2. Mood-sensitive Products - By offering products tailored to cater to consumer moods, companies can capitalize on the increasing consumer urge to understand oneself.
3. Innovative Lighting - With the rise of LEDs and other efficient lighting technologies, lighting is becoming a centerpiece of design.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The interior design industry can leverage these trends through creating eco-friendly and mood-sensitive designs to cater to consumers' growing interest in self-expression.
2. Home Decor - The home decor industry can explore innovative ways to use lighting to design and market better-looking products.
3. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry can integrate lighting technologies and create smart devices leveraging consumer moods to offer solutions that are more personalized.
12 Featured
147,431 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08
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