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The End of Smoking

Killer initiatives and campaigns will push for smoking cessation

Implications - In 2008, smoking was in decline, driven by innovative anti-smoking campaigns, stricter regulations and new methods of quitting. In 2009, we'll see even more innovation as the world attempts to 'butt out'. People are even using Nintendo DS games to quit and joining online support groups.
Trend Themes
1. Innovative Anti-smoking Campaigns - Business professionals can create new campaigns and initiatives for anti-smoking by leveraging emerging technologies.
2. Gamification and Online Support Groups - Gamification and online support groups are becoming a trend to quit smoking, giving opportunities to create online social media platforms to encourage smokers to quit.
3. Creative Shock-factor Ads - Business professionals can leverage the effectiveness of the 'shock factor' in anti-smoking campaigns, potentially increasing awareness and driving behavioral change.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Anti-smoking campaigns and initiatives primarily focus on the healthcare industry, where healthcare providers can leverage new changes and technologies to create more efficient and impactful anti-smoking campaigns.
2. Advertising - Anti-smoking campaigns can be improved and made more engaging through creative advertisement strategies that effectively use the shock-factor and gamification techniques.
3. Technology - Cutting-edge technologies, such as wrinkle detection technology, can be used in vending machines to detect and prevent underage people's access to tobacco products, creating new opportunities for technological innovations geared towards health and wellness.
12 Featured
154,866 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Hi-Tech Fashion Has Lungs
Hi-Tech Fashion Has Lungs
Smoking Jacket
This remarkably high-tech jacket is designed for the polite smoker who doesn't want to fumigate non-smokers in the area. When exhaling, the wearer of the Smoker Jacket can blow down the side of the collar… MORE
Cartoons Against Cigarettes
Cartoons Against Cigarettes
"A Magical Amount" Truth Campaign
Don't be fooled -- this is no Lucky Charms commercial. If you're familiar with the Truth campaigns against cigarettes, then you know the ads tend to be rather gorey. The latest ad, however, goes against… MORE
Shockvertising Smokefree Campaign
Shockvertising Smokefree Campaign
NHS: Get Unhooked
What a powerful campaign! With a slogan of “Get Unhooked”, these print ads from NHS smokefree show young guys and girls literally hooked. And by hooked I mean a painful hook up their lips. The ads… MORE
Graphic Anti-Smoking Ads
Graphic Anti-Smoking Ads
'Til Death Do Us Part
This print campaign consists of two complimentary images; one of a female smoker, the other of a male. The ads are aptly named, 'Til Death Do Us Part. One HDR-style image features a female sitting in… MORE
Lungs Made of Cigarettes
Lungs Made of Cigarettes
"Stop Consuming Your Body" Anti-Smoking Campaign
I am a heavy smoker, but must admit that this new campaign of the Brazilian Anti Smoke Association Ads tagged “Stop Consuming Your Body” makes me think. The lungs are made of cigarettes and some of… MORE
Powerful PSAs
Powerful PSAs
Smoking is Murder
These PSA ads for CONAC (Children Corporation Against Cancer) deliver a powerful message through very disturbing imagery. The message is "Smoking isn't just suicide. It's murder." And the delivery is… MORE
Metaphorical Smoking Accessories
Metaphorical Smoking Accessories
Smoking Gun
Are you a die-hard smoker? This Smoking Gun would showcase just how bad-ass you are by pointing a gun into your mouth as if you are killing yourself (while you are actually slowly killing yourself). Would… MORE
play_circle_filled$500 Million Anti-Smoking Campaigns
$500 Million Anti-Smoking Campaigns
Bill Gates & Michael Bloomberg MPower
Bill Gates and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg are outraged at how many people in the world are still smoking, so they’ve made a pledge to invest $500 million in campaigns to get people around the world to… MORE
Interactive Anti-Smoking Ads
Interactive Anti-Smoking Ads
QUIT Ashtray Lungs
We know smoking is bad, yet everywhere you go, people are still lighting up. Trying a new approach to typical anti-smoking campaigns is Saatchi & Saatchi who will be releasing an Interactive Poster Campaign… MORE
ID Via Wrinkle Detection
ID Via Wrinkle Detection
Japanese Cigarette Vending (UPDATE)
Japan has vending machines that dispense cigarettes, and just like similar machines in Europe, they provoke issues with underage children buying tobacco. To help prevent access to cigarettes by minors,… MORE
Online Commitment Contracts
Online Commitment Contracts
StickK to Your Goals
StikK lets you create commitment contracts online to help honour and meet your goals, from quitting smoking and losing weight to other personal or career aspirations. We all set goals in January, but… MORE
Apps to Help You Quit Smoking
Apps to Help You Quit Smoking
If the fact that you're putting enough tar in your lungs to pave a parking lot isn't motivation enough to stop smoking, maybe it's the cumulative effect smoking is having on your bank account. A freeware… MORE
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