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Print Tenacity

Publishers being more aggressive to survive and thrive

Implications - In 2008 we saw print media struggle for survival as free web content threatened the print journalism industry. To counteract print endangerment, publishers are getting way more innovative, offering free magazines controversy and collectible multi-covers issues.
Trend Themes
1. Multiple Collectible Covers - Magazines capitalize on fan desires through multi-cover releases, creating desirable, collectible editions.
2. Freemium Model - The strategy of offering free content, as exemplified by Wired Magazine, aims to capture a broader audience, with revenue generated through other means such as advertising.
3. Digitization of Print Media - V Magazine embracing a fully digital, free model highlights the shift towards digital content delivery in traditional media industries.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Innovations in distribution models and content strategies are profoundly transforming how print media sustains its audience.
2. Advertising - The growing trend of ad-sponsored free publications presents unique opportunities for targeted advertising and engagement.
3. Fashion - Fashion magazines adopting digital platforms and collectible editions cater to evolving consumer preferences and engagement methods.
10 Featured
81,010 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 08 — Sep 08

Featured Examples

Ethnic Cover Models
Ethnic Cover Models
All-Black Italian Vogue Revealed
In reaction to the lack of ethnic models on the catwalk, Vogue Italia will feature black models almost exclusively in the July issue. For context, Vogue is often regarded as the most influential fashion… MORE
Free Magazines 3
Free Magazines 3
V Magazine Goes Digital, FREE
V Magazine, one of the biggest and most influential fashion magazines, embraces the future of media by going fully digital, for FREE. That's right, all content of the magazine is now available to you… MORE
Quadruple Magazine Covers II
Quadruple Magazine Covers II
reFRESH 50th Edition
Multiple magazine covers are becoming an increasingly used marketing niche to sell more magazines by tempting readers with multiple options. However, in the case of the new issue of reFRESH magazine, it… MORE
Magazine Cover Battles
Magazine Cover Battles
Batman vs Joker on Empire
The July issue of Empire magazine has a battle of good vs. evil between the heroic Batman and the villainous Joker. The dual covers were created to further build anticipation for The Dark Knight's July… MORE
Wired Gives Out Free Magazines
We've seen magazines get creative in their efforts to save their print editions. As the internet threatens print media, some publications have realized they must give up news stand revenue in order to… MORE
Controversial Fashion Parodies
Controversial Fashion Parodies
Vogue Cover Spoofed
The cover of this month's Vogue has gotten a lot of buzz, but just as the hype began to fade, a spoof has been created with none other than the much gossiped about Anna Wintour, the editor in chief of… MORE
play_circle_filledFree Textbooks
Free Textbooks
Sponsored Ads Help Students
One of the hardest parts about being a student is the cost of education. Textbooks alone cost hundreds of dollars, adding up to thousands throughout their schooling. So how about eliminating that cost… MORE
Innovative Magazines To Compete With New Media
Innovative Magazines To Compete With New Media
'Missbehave' Has Attitude
When is the last time you read and editor say, "Those guys can go f*ck themselves, because I'm the editor and they are not."? Thats how Mary H. K. Choi, the editor of Missbehave magazine, responded when… MORE
Free Trips for Bloggers
Free Trips for Bloggers
International Invites
Companies, tour operators and event makers are realizing how powerful the blogosphere has become. Despite what many people still think, it's not just bored mommy bloggers ranting and raving about their… MORE
Politicians in Gossip Magazines
Politicians in Gossip Magazines
Publications Shift Their Focus
People love celebrity gossip magazines because it "humanizes" the stars to them. That now includes political candidates. "But not since John F. Kennedy posed for Life magazine during the 1960 campaign… MORE
Trend Report Pop Up
Trend Report Pop Up
FREE 2021
(worth $1,500)