Brands utilize rustic appeal to draw in grassroots-minded consumers
Implications - Tapping into the discriminating DIY market that traditionally shuns prepackaged varieties, brands are adopting a more old-fashioned form of packaging that makes use of household containers and rustic vessels to convey domesticity. While also appealing to the consumer with a preference for organic varieties, the branding technique conveys a simplistic, no-nonsense approach that establishes a more grassroots-based level of consumer-brand trust.
Trend Themes
1. Rustic Packaging - Brands are adopting a more old-fashioned form of packaging that makes use of household containers and rustic vessels to convey domesticity.
2. Colorful Visual Branding - Designers are infusing products with bright and playful colors to foster visual intrigue and distinguish between varieties.
3. Minimalist Packaging - Brands are shedding the heavy image of traditional packaging in favor of schemes that exude lightness and simplicity.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage - These packaging trends have significant applications in the food and beverage industry, particularly among brands with an emphasis on organic, homemade, or artisanal products.
2. Home Goods - Rustic and minimalist packaging trends have applications in the home goods industry for brands seeking to convey simplicity, practicality, and a handmade aesthetic.
3. Cosmetics & Personal Care - Colorful and visually appealing branding trends have significant applications in the cosmetics and personal care industry, particularly for brands seeking to convey playfulness, creativity, and uniqueness.