Savvy advertisers use our tabloid culture to put their products front and cente
Implications - It’s clear that ours is a celebrity-obsessed tabloid culture that is fueled by big-ticket paparazzi photographs. Clever marketers and designers channel this frenzy by creating lookalike campaigns that blend in seamlessly with the pages of the gossip magazines that line every magazine rack.
Trend Themes
1. Paparazzi Marketing - Creating ad campaigns that look as if they were lensed by a paparazzo and blending in seamlessly with celebrity-obsessed tabloid culture.
2. Stealth Paparazzi Ads - Creating stealth viral ad videos with the help of illogically large number of paparazzi following celebrities.
3. Paparazzi Fametography - Using paparazzi-inspired editorials, fametography showcasing mundane moments of famous people or models combined with a unique hairstyle, makeup, and costume.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Fashion industry can innovatively recapture consumers' attention by releasing ad campaigns and magazine editorials that look as if they were lensed by a paparazzo.
2. Consumer Electronics Industry - Consumer electronics companies can get a-list endorsements by putting their products in paparazzi shots of celebrities to market them.
3. Photography Industry - Photographers and magazines can showcase a unique style and cost-effective paparazzi-like work to create and showcase editorials and fametography.