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Nouveau Cutlery

Traditionally boring categories are observing an infusion of creativity and buddi

Implications - Products with multiple functions, or offering added benefits such as entertainment or biodegradability, are gaining appeal. Traditionally boring items are getting creative in a new-found attempt to rebrand and re-market everyday items. Goods with flare or having diverse roles are also a budding niche.
Trend Themes
1. Multipurpose Products - Products with multiple functions, or offering added benefits such as entertainment or biodegradability, are gaining appeal.
2. Creative Rebranding - Traditionally boring items are getting creative in a new-found attempt to rebrand and re-market everyday items.
3. Enhancing Everyday Products - Consumers appreciate products that help make their lives easier, and companies that find simple ways to enhance everyday items succeed at providing their customers with something that they both need, want and appreciate.
Industry Implications
1. Eco-friendly Products - The Spudware trend shows how consumers are welcoming new eco-friendly alternatives in products like cutlery which is both reusable and biodegradable.
2. Event Planning/party Supplies - Snap-A-Party Tableware and glow-in-the-dark cutlery provide fun and creative options for event planners or those hosting a party.
3. Food Service Industry - Sauce dispensing chopsticks, heat-sensitive spoons, and Doc'Spag Pasta Twirling Bowls present opportunities for the food service industry to offer unique dining experiences to their customers.
8 Featured
90,006 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 06 — Dec 07
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Pasta Twirling Bowls
Pasta Twirling Bowls
Uniquely Designed Doc'Spag Plates
One of the best parts about spaghetti has to be the process directly preceding its consumption. How much fun is it to twirl your pasta? It can be a tough thing for people to learn who didn’t grow up with… MORE
Glow-in-the-Dark Cutlery
Glow-in-the-Dark Cutlery
Neon Knives, Spoons, Forks
Ooooh! That was my first response when I saw the glow-in-the-dark cutlery from Glow Cutlery. The collection consists of spoons, forks and knives that look like ordinary utensils until the handles are… MORE
Heat Sensitive Spoons
Heat Sensitive Spoons
No More Tongue Burning
I'm not convinced at the practicality of these spoons; If I have just nuked something in the microwave for 5 minutes, there's a good chance it's gonna be pretty damn hot. So i won't just dive in and shovel… MORE
The Chork
The Chork
AKA The Chopstick Fork
Do you love Asian Cuisine? Be it Chinese, Thai or Korean... you probably feel rather inadequate if you have no other choice but to chow down with a fork... especially if the chick you're dating is oh so… MORE
Chopsticks With Gold Flakes
Chopsticks With Gold Flakes
Snap For Sparkly Sprinkles
Here's some party favors that are bound to impress your next guests! Next time you weak up a sukiyaki dish, skip the ol' fork and knife and serve it up with the opulent chopsticks with golden flakes. When… MORE
Eco Potato Cutlery
Eco Potato Cutlery
No, I am not talking about potato shaped knives or forks, but cutlery made for a mixture of potato starch and soybean oil. Spudware as it is called, is as strong as plastic can be reused, and when disposed,… MORE
Effortless Picnic Supplies
Effortless Picnic Supplies
Snap-A-Party Tableware
Picnics can be a snap this summer! Affordable and easy to transport, this fun kit will let you maximize your time in the great outdoors, since set up will only take seconds. For $14, you can buy a 4-pack… MORE
Sauce Despensing Chopsticks
Sauce Despensing Chopsticks
No more messing around with soya sauce and sushi dipping! The sauce dispensing chopsticks may remind you of your pipette from chemistry class, but at $21, they make a pretty entertaining gift. MORE
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