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Gossip Enabled

With gossip blogs and web 2.0 sites like Truemors, spreading rumors has never been

Description - Spreading defamatory stories on the web about celebrities is the online answer to traditional print tabloids. Perez Hilton is one of the biggest celebrity blog sites to leak rumors and photos (he’s also involved in several lawsuits because of them). Truemors makes it easy to pass on news, rumors, celeb gossip, science facts and tips. Even Second Life has its own virtual gossip magazines to spread rumors about its avatar stars. Finally, PostSecret is about the secrets of everyday people, allowing people to share their private stories anonymously.

Implications - Everyone likes to have the inside scoop. What information can you “leak” to your customers ahead of everyone else? Maybe you can offer a sneak peek of a new product or an exclusive “members only” club.
Trend Themes
1. Online Gossip Blogs - Spreading defamatory stories on the web about celebrities and non-celebrities have resulted in increased traffic on online gossip blogs, and presents an opportunity for businesses to offer exclusive sneak peeks to customers.
2. Virtual Gossip Sites - Virtual gossip magazines have emerged on online platforms such as Second Life and offer potential opportunities for businesses to market their brands in the virtual world.
3. Blog Laws - As bloggers become more influential and well-read, there is a need to reconsider the rules of the blogosphere and implement clearer regulations for defamatory or libelous statements.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Increasing traffic on online gossip blogs presents an opportunity for the entertainment industry to leverage celebrities' popularity and connect with customers.
2. Virtual Reality - Virtual gossip magazines present potential marketing opportunities for businesses in the virtual reality industry that can promote their products in the online world.
3. Legal Services - Clearer regulations and laws related to the blogosphere and the content that bloggers publish have the potential to create a new market for legal services that specialize in this area.
6 Featured
35,264 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 07 — Dec 07
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Dirty Little Secrets for the World to Enjoy
Wanna get all the juicy secrets and hot gossip from perfect strangers? Then be sure to check out one of the web's latest phenomenons: PostSecret. It's a simple Blog space that posts handmade postcards… MORE
Lipstick Dot Com
Lipstick Dot Com
It's Like Digg For Celebrity Gossip
Lipstick dot com is a cool website raging with celebrity news and gossip. What's more... it's just like Digg. You can give a thumbs up or a thumbs down to popularize your favourite stories and topics and… MORE
Internet Gossip Explosion
Internet Gossip Explosion
Record Numbers Tracked By Hitwise
According to Hitwise (an Experian data company) celebrity gossip has taken the Internet by storm and they have they numbers to prove it. Traffic to celebrity gossip sites like has skyrocketed,… MORE
play_circle_filledBlog Laws
Blog Laws
Britney Spears Sues Perez Hilton
Famed celebrity gossip blogger, "Perez Hilton" may be facing a lawsuit thanks to Britney Spears. Mario Lavandeira, better known as Perez, is being grilled for illegally posting songs and images from Britney's… MORE
Truemors Facebook App
Truemors Facebook App
Spreading Rumours Among Your Friends Just Got Easier
Now, you can add a Truemors Facebook App which lets you quickly spread your rumors, gossip, news and links to your friends or all of Facebook. Earlier this year, Trend Hunter members were invited to preview… MORE
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The AvaStar For Avatars
Second Life Gossip Mag
While Us Weekly and In Touch keep us on top of real life celebs like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Brangelina, The AvaStar keeps Second Life users posted on the lives of virtual stars. If gossip magazines… MORE
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