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Neoteric Banking

High-tech innovations make banking more secure and practical

Implications - Consumers are in dire search of financial institutions that will offer them a simultaneous rise in security, speed and efficiency. Product innovators are combining modern technology with customized products and services, from designer credit cards to pay-by-phone and USB train tickets.
Trend Themes
1. Biometric Security - Businesses that are able to deliver the most advanced technology and cutting-edge innovations in their products will likely generate high-levels of success.
2. Mobile Wallets - Products that enable phone payments and allow users to purchase products remotely will change the way consumers pay for goods.
3. Customized Designs - Financial institutions that offer consumers customized products and services, such as designer credit cards, will experience greater success due to rising demand for uniquely personalized financial solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Finance - Business professionals in the finance industry can explore the rise of biometric security, mobile wallet adoption, and customized design offerings to develop innovative solutions that align with consumer demands.
2. Retail - Retail professionals can benefit from the trend of mobile wallets to offer a more streamlined and technology-driven shopping experience for customers.
3. Technology - Professionals in the technology industry can explore biometric security to develop new and innovative solutions to protect sensitive data and offer more secure devices for personal or business use.
7 Featured
45,499 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 06 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Future Phone with Integrated Credit Card and Media Player
Future Phone with Integrated Credit Card and Media Player
"Imagine the device that unites everything that you carry along: a mobile phone, a player, your credit and discount cards, your apartment and your car keys. We have imagined it and now introduce you to… MORE
High-Tech Savings & Donation
High-Tech Savings & Donation
Credit Card Pig Bank
The Credit Card Pig Bank concept is a logical evolution of the ole' saving piggy bank or donation box. It allows you to swipe your credit card into the adorable pig and voilà, a pre-determined amount… MORE
Diamond Studded Credit Cards
Diamond Studded Credit Cards
If you thought you looked important with your platinum American Express card, think again. The smart card maker and online game provider, GK Power, has made a new, high-concept credit card for the real… MORE
Finger Vein Scanners
Finger Vein Scanners
Hitachi's High Tech Security
Biometrics seems to be the future of security and payment systems. Although not mainstream yet, fingerprints and retina scans are already being used. Hitachi has developed and is planning to field test… MORE
Cellphones As Cash
Cellphones As Cash
Our Next Virtual Wallets
According to a 2004 ABC news article, cell phones were long ago predicted to become our “virtual wallets.” Now, in ’2008, it seems that this prediction may actually occur. Can you imagine heading to the… MORE
Protecting Your Plastic
Protecting Your Plastic
Credit Card Sleeve Hides Number
This is a pretty clever invention, and one that probably will be adopted by businesses as giveaways. It's name is lame: Peek-a-Bye, but it's purpose is great. It's a opaque sleeve to put your credit card… MORE
Pay For Dinner With Your Cellphone
Pay For Dinner With Your Cellphone
PayPal Mobile
Lifehacker posted a piece called, "Top 10 Telephone Tricks." One of the 10 uses good old PayPal - the company that allows even the smallest of internet stores to sell their goods to buyers from around… MORE
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