Second Life Hack Causes Controversy
Ben Preiss — August 13, 2007 — Naughty
References: secondlife & news.yahoo
Let's start at the beginning: It seems Second Life avatars begin life with no 'nads, and if you want your online-self to be packing heat, you have to pay real dollars to some cartoon plastic surgeon to draw yourself some man-meat or a lovely landing strip and labia for the ladies. So, Kevin Alderman of Eros LLC has been doing just that, raking in cash making smooth cartoons bumpy. But apparently having the junk isn't enough, if you want your avatar to close the deal, you have to buy some other software from Eros that basically animates your avatar's sex act. Kind of like Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog, not being able to hump anything without having Robert Smigel's hand up his poop shoot. Now, an avatar named "Volkov Catteneo" broke the sex program's copy protection and sold unauthorized copies. So naturally Alderman filed a civil lawsuit in U.S. District Court (real court not Second Life court) in Tampa, Fla., last month intending to screw this avatar right back. This is some weird stuff, it seems to me that this Second Life thing is for people that have given up on their first life.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Adult Entertainment Industry - The development of animated sexual content for virtual avatars depicts a growing market for virtual adult entertainment.
2. Virtual Currency Industry - The requirement of real dollars for aesthetic or interactive additions to Second Life avatars highlights the potential for virtual currency alternatives in the industry.
3. Cybersecurity Industry - The hack of Second Life's sex program emphasizes the demand for advanced security measures in virtual environments.
Industry Implications
1. Adult Entertainment Industry - The rise of virtual adult entertainment through Second Life supports growth within the adult entertainment industry as a whole.
2. Gaming Industry - The rapid expansion and development of Second Life reflects the potential for innovative gaming products that integrate virtual environments and advanced customization options.
3. Legal Industry - The civil lawsuit filed following the hack of Second Life's sex program highlights the potential for legal disputes arising from virtual environments and the need for legal guidance in this domain.