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Opulent Food

Exorbitantly priced food gets viral attention

Implications - Melons, sundaes, desserts and hamburgers costing into the thousands of dollars sounds ridiculous at first, but could you use this to your advantage? In some cases, these items have been sold as part of charity fundraisers; instead of just writing cheques, donors get a taste of opulence in return.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Food and Beverage - There is a rise in the consumption of ultra-expensive food and beverages, which presents an opportunity for brands to create high-priced, limited edition products to meet this growing demand.
2. Charitable Experiences - Collaborating with charities to offer ultra-luxury, high-priced experiences, such as opulent meals, is a new way to engage with consumers while also supporting important causes.
3. Exclusivity - Creating exclusive, limited edition products, such as rare cognacs and expensive ice cream sundaes, is a way to offer luxury and exclusivity to consumers who are willing to pay for it.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can look to create high-priced, limited edition products to cater to the growing demand for luxury food and beverages.
2. Charity and Non-profit - Charities and non-profit organizations can collaborate with luxury brands to offer high-priced experiences as fundraising initiatives.
3. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can create luxurious and exclusive dining experiences, such as ultra-expensive burgers and cocktails, to appeal to wealthy consumers looking for unique experiences.
12 Featured
345,840 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 06 — Sep 08
V. Hot

Featured Examples

$5000 Hamburger
$5000 Hamburger
The Fleurburger
As is everything in Vegas, the FleurBurger 5000 is over the top with a hefty price tag of $5,000.00. Created by Chef Hubert Keller, the FleurBurger 5000 is served at Fleur de Lys in Mandalay Bay. It… MORE
$2 Million Cognac
$2 Million Cognac
Henri IV Dudognon Heritage
The world's most expensive cognac which is packaged by jeweler Jose Davalos, is the Henri IV Dudognon Heritage dubbed as the DNA of cognacs. This ultra expensive liquor which has been produced since 1776,… MORE
$25,000 NYC Dessert Sets Guinness Record
$25,000 NYC Dessert Sets Guinness Record
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World's Most Expensive Dessert
World's Most Expensive Dessert
$14,500 Fortress Aquamarine
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play_circle_filledHigh Class Hangovers
High Class Hangovers
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$12000 Cash Only Meal?
The Suffolk Kitchen Knish Hoax
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$6,100 Black Melons
$6,100 Black Melons
Rare Japanese Densuke Watermelon
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$3700 Pizza
$3700 Pizza
The Pizza Royale 007
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$1000 Bagel
$1000 Bagel
White Truffle Cream Cheese, Gold Leaves
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$3,333.33 Ice Cream Sundaes
$3,333.33 Ice Cream Sundaes
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