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Revolution 2.0

Because sometimes it's more fun to completely abandon convention

Implications - While many organizations adapt and test innovative business models, revolutionary organizations often abandon conventional models altogether. By positioning as a complete reinvention, organizations attract additional attention. Even in non-corporate examples, the 2.0 model always generates more buzz.
Trend Themes
1. Revolutionary Business Models - Organizations that completely abandon conventional business models attract additional attention.
2. Community-driven Decision Making - Platforms that allow for community-driven decision making, such as Beerbankroll and, are gaining popularity.
3. Luxury and Technology Integration - Incorporating high-end technology and spa amenities, such as integrated massage chairs and internet access, is becoming prevalent in traditional industries like dentistry.
4. Online Democratic Voting - Online democratic voting, such as the student voting system in, is proving to be an effective method for unbiased decision-making.
5. Online Empowerment - Websites like are empowering people to donate by allowing them to loan money directly to entrepreneurs in the developing world.
6. Predictive Analytics - Using predictive analytics, such as Google Trends, to predict outcomes and trends is becoming increasingly popular.
Industry Implications
1. Dentistry - High-end technology and spa amenities are revolutionizing the traditional industry of dentistry.
2. Education - Online democratic voting systems, like the one in, could potentially revolutionize the education industry.
3. Breweries - Community-driven brewing companies, like Beerbankroll, are revolutionizing the beer brewing industry.
4. Non-profit - Online empowerment systems, like, could potentially revolutionize the way non-profits raise funds.
5. Politics/elections - Predictive analytics, such as Google Trends, are revolutionizing the way politicians and political campaigns can gauge popularity and trends.
9 Featured
46,321 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 07 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

play_circle_filledProtest 2.0
Protest 2.0
Online Dot Matrix Graffiti Bike
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Fashion Face Off 2.0
Fashion Face Off 2.0
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Dentistry 2.0
Dentistry 2.0
Massage Chairs, Internet, Flavored Oxygen and Digital X-Rays
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Giving 2.0
Giving 2.0
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Beer Breweries 2.0
Beer Breweries 2.0
Community Managed Brewing at
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Scholarship 2.0
Scholarship 2.0
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