Innovative initiatives to save trees and restore forests
Implications - Instead of just reducing the creation of new pollution and cleaning up litter, the eco-conscious are engaging in initiatives to counter their carbon outputs. One of the most common, and most accessible, methods is planting trees. There are hundreds of ways to do this, many without even leaving your desk.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-conscious Consumerism - More people are engaging in initiatives to counter their carbon outputs by planting trees through projects like One Million Trees Art Project and Buy a Tree, Watch it Grow on Google Earth.
2. Green Activism - Environmental activism through creative campaigns and protests is becoming more prevalent, like Greenpeace's Kleercut Kleenex Parody and the UAE government's Nothing Left To Weep For Campaign.
3. Eco-friendly Products - Innovative eco-friendly products are being developed, like Green Johnny From The Amazon condoms and Amazonas tables made of 100% recyclable steel, while established brands like Missoni are using green imagery to promote their products.
Industry Implications
1. Environment & Sustainability - Businesses in this industry can explore opportunities for eco-conscious consumerism and green activism initiatives, as well as developing eco-friendly products.
2. Art & Design - Artists and designers can use their creativity to support environmental causes, such as One Million Trees Art Project and the 360° BULGARIA photography exhibition.
3. Health & Wellness - The development of eco-friendly products like Green Johnny From The Amazon condoms supports the health of individuals and the environment.