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Arborial Eco

Innovative initiatives to save trees and restore forests

Implications - Instead of just reducing the creation of new pollution and cleaning up litter, the eco-conscious are engaging in initiatives to counter their carbon outputs. One of the most common, and most accessible, methods is planting trees. There are hundreds of ways to do this, many without even leaving your desk.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-conscious Consumerism - More people are engaging in initiatives to counter their carbon outputs by planting trees through projects like One Million Trees Art Project and Buy a Tree, Watch it Grow on Google Earth.
2. Green Activism - Environmental activism through creative campaigns and protests is becoming more prevalent, like Greenpeace's Kleercut Kleenex Parody and the UAE government's Nothing Left To Weep For Campaign.
3. Eco-friendly Products - Innovative eco-friendly products are being developed, like Green Johnny From The Amazon condoms and Amazonas tables made of 100% recyclable steel, while established brands like Missoni are using green imagery to promote their products.
Industry Implications
1. Environment & Sustainability - Businesses in this industry can explore opportunities for eco-conscious consumerism and green activism initiatives, as well as developing eco-friendly products.
2. Art & Design - Artists and designers can use their creativity to support environmental causes, such as One Million Trees Art Project and the 360° BULGARIA photography exhibition.
3. Health & Wellness - The development of eco-friendly products like Green Johnny From The Amazon condoms supports the health of individuals and the environment.
10 Featured
47,309 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 08 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Tees for Trees
Tees for Trees
Carlos Miele for the Rainforest Foundation
Want to plant trees to help the planet but don't have time to go and dig in the dirt? The good news it, you can support the cause while keeping your nails clean with one of these adorable Tees for Trees… MORE
Activism Through Aerial Photography
Activism Through Aerial Photography
In the midst of the green fad, when social statements go after instant shock value more often than not, it's refreshing to see a truly inspired project meticulously planned and brilliantly executed, loaded… MORE
Tree Hugger Chic
Tree Hugger Chic
Missoni Campaign
Most of us know by now that going green is chic, but in case you missed the message, Missoni is offering a fabulous visual to help drive home that tree hugging is isn't for hippies anymore. The Italian… MORE
Eco-friendly Condoms
Eco-friendly Condoms
Green Johnny From The Amazon
Natex, a Brazilian company founded by the Public Health Ministry and the government of the federal state of Acre, will manufacture male preservatives from pure natural latex extracted from the Amazon rainforest… MORE
Free Digital Newspapers
Free Digital Newspapers
Earth Day Initiative Saves Trees
If you're looking for a way to take part in Earth Day this year, but don't have time to do participate in an urban cleanup, why not sign up for 600 free newspapers on PressDisplay? Switching to digital… MORE
Green Guerrilla Ads
Green Guerrilla Ads
Nothing Left To Weep For Campaign
The United Arab Emirates government reached out to the "more intelligent inhabitants of this planet" with a creative guerrilla campaign celebrating Earth Day 2008. The campaign reminds us that there will… MORE
play_circle_filledEco Protest Through Spoofs
Eco Protest Through Spoofs
Greenpeace Kleercut Kleenex Parody
Greenpeace is getting more exposure than ever now that millions of people have developed a deeper emotional investment in conserving the environment. They've been rolling out advertising campaigns that… MORE
play_circle_filledBuy a Tree, Watch it Grow on Google Earth
Buy a Tree, Watch it Grow on Google Earth
Sponsoring trees is a great way to do your part in helping the planet; it's cheap and easy to do. That's nothing new. An ultra modern spin, however, is giving people the ability to watch their trees grow… MORE
Green Rainforest Tables
Green Rainforest Tables
These tables are really green. From the concept inception, to the color and design, to money going to help rainforests. The concept of the Amazonas table series originated when Finnish designer Eero Koivisto… MORE
One Million Trees Art Project
One Million Trees Art Project
Its OK
I love this project by the artist Sighn. The project features hand-crafted "Its OK" pieces. For each piece sold, a tree will be planted (in cooperation with Arbor Day Foundation). The interesting part… MORE
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