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Gamified Nutrition

Brands optimize nutritional intake through gamification

Implications - Brands specializing in enhancing consumer health via nutrition are creating gamified products and services that aim to optimize nutritional goals. The use of gamification in this realm enhances engagement between the brand and the consumer, while giving less committed consumers more incentive to be loyal to the brand and its offerings.
Workshop Question - How can your brand boost engagement through gamification, whether in its products/services, or marketing campaigns?
Trend Themes
1. Gamification of Nutrition - Brands are using gamification as a tool to enhance consumer interaction and commitment in optimizing their nutritional goals.
2. Personalized Dietary Apps - Apps focused on personalized dietary plans are making healthy eating and diet goals achievable for consumers of all kinds.
3. Temperature & Progress Tracking Apps and Products - Products that include temperature tracking and app-based progress tracking are disrupting the health industry with user-focused, gamified technological solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage Industry - In the food and beverage industry, gamification apps and customizable solutions are helping with consumer-brand engagement and loyalty.
2. Fitness Industry - Gamification apps in the fitness industry promote sticking to personal goals with personalized tracking technology and fun incentives.
3. Wellness Industry - Temperature and progress tracking products add a personalized spin to the wellness industry, encouraging consumers to optimize their health habits.
6 Featured, 53 Examples:
114,506 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 16 — Nov 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

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Temperature-Tracking Drink Containers
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