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67 Homelessness Innovations

From Guerilla Awareness Campaigns to Soup Kitchens for Pets

— January 12, 2012 — Social Good
The vast majority of you reading this post will never face homelessness, but the sad reality is that in the United States alone, over half a million people will face homelessness tonight. According the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida, in 2009 about 672,000 people experienced homelessness each night, 42% of which had no shelter. 37% were families, most commonly single mothers with a child or two.

Fortunately we have seen an abundance of homelessness innovations geared at solving the issue in urban settings, empowering the homeless and giving the voice, and making nights on the street more bearable. Among the homelessness innovations are creative guerilla ads to drive awareness, soup kitchens for pets, barista training for homeless youth, buy-one-give one comforters, and an errand running service designed to employ the homeless. There is also plenty of photography, taken to share stories and drive awareness.
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Challenge-Based Charity Sites
Challenge-Based Charity Sites
'Do Whatever It Takes' Site Has People Doing Anything for Pledges
Social Street Papers
Social Street Papers
Real Issues Magazine Empowers Communities Marginalized by Poverty
Homeless Errand Services
Homeless Errand Services
Task Turtle Lets the Homeless and Elderly Claim Odd Jobs
Indigent Interns
Indigent Interns
Elle Magazine Offers Internship to Homeless Girl
Recyled Computer Abodes
Recyled Computer Abodes
Bill Thomson and Ken Gerberick Create a Tech-Inspired Homeless Shelter
Pioneering Apprenticeship Programs
Pioneering Apprenticeship Programs
Fifteen Restaurant Offers Opportunities to Disadvantaged Youth
Education Springboards
Education Springboards
Juma Ventures Helps Youth in California Enter College
Homeless Internet Sensations
Homeless Internet Sensations
Panhandler Ted Williams Beats the Streets from One Viral Video
Virtuously Veritable Dining
Virtuously Veritable Dining
The Hoxton Apprentice Serves Feel-Good Meals
Heartfelt Personalized Art Kits
Heartfelt Personalized Art Kits
'Chloe's Magic Box' by Samia Kallidis Gives Hope to Homeless Kids
Homeless Public Transit
Homeless Public Transit
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Gives Homeless Free Rides
Street-Smart Campaigns
Street-Smart Campaigns
The Homeless Banner Campaign by Garbergs Brings Shelter to Those in Need
Charitably Chic Pieces
Charitably Chic Pieces
KNO Clothing is a One-for-One Donating Attire for Every Purchase Made
Gourmet Do-Good Brownies
Gourmet Do-Good Brownies
Greyston Bakery is a Social Enterprise
Pedal-Powered Libraries
Pedal-Powered Libraries
Street Books Delivers Literature to Portland's Homeless
Microloans for Homelessness?
Microloans for Homelessness?
Beyond the Cardboard Shares Stories, Interviews and Resources
Female-Focused Enterprises
Female-Focused Enterprises
Women's Bean Project Creates Jobs with Jewelry & Gourmet Food
Vagabond Ventures
Vagabond Ventures
Swags for Homeless Supplies Displaced Residents with Mobile Housing
Online Promos for Panhandlers
Online Promos for Panhandlers
"Pimp This Bum!" Helps Houston Homeless Man
One for One Blankets
One for One Blankets
The Company Store Gives Comforters to Homeless Children
Street Kid Barista Schools
Street Kid Barista Schools
Homeless Youth Get a Shot at Coffee-Making Jobs
Foreign Homeless Photomentaries
Foreign Homeless Photomentaries
Christian Burkert Captures Homelessness in an Immaculate Culture
Globetrotting Hobotography
Globetrotting Hobotography
Mike Stewart Photographs the World's Homeless
Pavement Bedsheets (UPDATE)
Pavement Bedsheets (UPDATE)
The Le-Trottoir Lets You Experience Homelessness at Home
Compassion Through Metaphors
Compassion Through Metaphors
Brazilian Organization Uses Comparisons for the Homeless
Heartbreaking Homeless Robot Sculptures
Heartbreaking Homeless Robot Sculptures
'No-Botty' by David Emmite Predicts Bleak Machine Futures
Street Art Used in Canadian Youth Services Centre Ads
Traffic Cone Stages
Traffic Cone Stages
Hedgehog Concert Pavilion Raises Awareness to Youth Homelessness
Heat Map of the Homeless
Heat Map of the Homeless
Can You Say Big Brother?
Robots For The Homeless
Robots For The Homeless
Transformer Guerrilla Sleeping Spaces For the Shelterless
Incisive Homeless Portraits
Incisive Homeless Portraits
Oak Thitayarak's 'Walk On By' Series is Poignantly Real
Homeless-Care iPhone Apps
Homeless-Care iPhone Apps
The iHobo App Gives You a New Perspective on Street-Living
Vagabond Villas
Vagabond Villas
Beautiful Spring Gardens is a Scintillating Shelter for the Homeless
Homeless Bedtography
Homeless Bedtography
Ryann Ford's 'Where the Homeless Sleep' Shoot for Twelve Baskets Magazine
AIDS Art Shelters
AIDS Art Shelters
The Social Art Box Project By Aakash Nihalani in NYC
Penniless Promotions
Penniless Promotions
Homeless Branded as Living Advertisements
Homeless Kidtography
Homeless Kidtography
'Abandoned' by Coral Fletcher Captures an Orphaned Child
Homeless Emotionography
Homeless Emotionography
Keith Harris Looks Into the Souls of the Unfortunate in ‘On the Stre
Homeless Photographers
Homeless Photographers
The Trecho 2.8 Project Turns the Lens onto Another Reality
Soup Kitchens for Pets
Soup Kitchens for Pets
The Animal Board
Guerrilla Campaign for Homeless
Guerrilla Campaign for Homeless
Vitae Shelters
The Urban Shell Shelter for the Homeless
The Urban Shell Shelter for the Homeless
Guerrilla Poverty Ads
Guerrilla Poverty Ads
Homeless Father Bob Bins
Street Life Awareness Campaigns
Street Life Awareness Campaigns
Jan Moucha's Subversive Homelessness Posters
A mobile "home" for the homeless
A mobile "home" for the homeless
they deserve some design too!
Activist Street Art
Activist Street Art
Fauxreel's 'The Unaddressed' Addresses Homelessness in Toronto
Sinking Street Ads
Sinking Street Ads
The SAMU Social Campaign Brings Awareness to Homelessness
Poverty-Focused Graffiti
Poverty-Focused Graffiti
Michael Aaron Williams Comments on the Global Homeless Epidemic
Homeless Cocoon Shelters
Homeless Cocoon Shelters
This Nifty Hwang Kim Design Offers Discrete, Portable Outdoor Protection
Versatile Homeless Shelters
Versatile Homeless Shelters
Veronika Scott Creates a Wearable Shelter for Those Who Need it Most
Egg Shaped Eco Abodes
Egg Shaped Eco Abodes
Daihai Fei Builds a Sustainable Mobile Home in Beijing
Humanizing Street Shoots
Humanizing Street Shoots
Alex Welsh Exposes the Struggles of the Impoverished
Cardboard Box Beds
Cardboard Box Beds
Nikolay Suslov Designs for Nomads and the Homeless
Homeless Hipster Shoots
Homeless Hipster Shoots
The Original Hipster is a Social Commentary on Wealth and Class
Real-Life Street Kid Portraits
Real-Life Street Kid Portraits
Photographer Adam Taylor Takes Portraits of NYC Street Kids
Multipurpose Portable Shelters
Multipurpose Portable Shelters
The Famiglia Grande Helps Families on Their Road to Recovery
Cuddly Collapsable Igloos
Cuddly Collapsable Igloos
The Georgi Djongarski I-Gloobox for Vagabonds is a Luxury Street Home
Guerilla Socialvertising
Guerilla Socialvertising
The Alex Seo Crisis Campaign Creates Awareness Through Startling Imagery
Alternative Homeless Shelters
Alternative Homeless Shelters
The EDAR Project Provides Mini Mobile Units
Inflatable Homeless Shelters
Inflatable Homeless Shelters
The ParaSITE Project
Credit Crunch Prefabs
Credit Crunch Prefabs
The L41 Home is Designed for Uneasy Economic Times
Tents on Wheels
Tents on Wheels
Journeyman Mobile Shelter Bicycle Trailers Offer Tow-Behind Shelter
Mobile Homeless Homes
Mobile Homeless Homes
The Paul Elkins Shelter is Almost Too Cozy Looking
Homeless Sleeping Pods
Homeless Sleeping Pods
The Urban Catepillar by Abby Brazier Shelters the Less Fortunate
Cardboard Origami Shelters
Cardboard Origami Shelters
The Tine Hovsepian 'Cardborigami' Unfolds for the Homeless
Sturdy Refugee Residences
Sturdy Refugee Residences
The NIDO Portable Shelter is an Efficient, Effective Homeless Refuge