Brands collaborate with each other to offer distinct campaigns
Trend - Brands are looking to adjacent or unrelated industries in order to form unique, collaborative pop-up and experiential campaigns for their customers. These joint experiences prove the impact of cross-collaboration in being perceived as innovative by consumers.
Insight - Collaborative brand campaigns are often created to appeal to Millennial and Gen Z consumers, who tend to be influenced by trends on social platforms rather than those that brands try to enforce. Brands that are able to authentically meet the engagement-based preferences of these consumers are able to tap into a demographic that prioritizes shareability and experience in their purchase decisions.
Insight - Collaborative brand campaigns are often created to appeal to Millennial and Gen Z consumers, who tend to be influenced by trends on social platforms rather than those that brands try to enforce. Brands that are able to authentically meet the engagement-based preferences of these consumers are able to tap into a demographic that prioritizes shareability and experience in their purchase decisions.
Workshop Question - Conceptualize a collaborative pop-up space with a business in an industry unrelated to your own.
Trend Themes
1. Collaborative Pop-up Campaigns - Brands are collaborating with each other to offer unique pop-up and experiential campaigns that appeal to Millennial and Gen Z consumers.
2. Cafe-based Pop-ups - Pop-up shops are being hosted in cafes, merging two industries and selling products like cosmetics and highlighting color palettes for a unique customer experience.
3. Experiential Product Demos - Product demonstrations are taking on an experiential nature, such as using hairdryers to simulate wind and test outerwear performance or using eggs as a symbol of mental health advocacy.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion & Design - Collaborative pop-up campaigns offer disruptive innovation opportunities for brands to create unique, immersive experiences that tap into Millennial and Gen Z influencer preferences.
2. Food & Beverage - Cafe-based pop-up shops offer disruptive innovation opportunities for brands to co-brand and partner for sales of complementary products to offer a unique customer experience.
3. Consumer Electronics - Experiential product demos offer disruptive innovation opportunities for brands to create memorable, shareable product demonstrations that leverage technology and psychology.