Brands give consumers healthier outlets to channel their anger
Trend - Some brands are choosing to take advantage of the divisiveness that current social and political movements are feeding by giving consumers outlets for the negative emotions that this time in history has brought to the surface.
Insight - Many consumers today are feeling a great deal of frustration, and lack an outlet to express those feelings freely. Though a lot of the messaging within the wellness movement (and the online world in general) is very postivity-focused, this focus doesn't address that many people still have an unmet need when it comes to expressing their more difficult emotions.
Insight - Many consumers today are feeling a great deal of frustration, and lack an outlet to express those feelings freely. Though a lot of the messaging within the wellness movement (and the online world in general) is very postivity-focused, this focus doesn't address that many people still have an unmet need when it comes to expressing their more difficult emotions.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better satiate the frustrated or jaded consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Negative Emotion Outlets - Brands are creating outlets for negative emotions to cater to consumers' need to express themselves freely.
2. Loss Aversion Incentive Platforms - Reset Habit uses risk aversion to encourage users to achieve their desired goals in a streamlined manner.
3. Offensive Humor Games - Offensive games like Savage Choices have grown in popularity as people seek out ways to poke fun at political correctness and let loose.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness - Wellness industry professionals can start thinking about creating spaces for customers to express difficult emotions safely.
2. Gaming and Entertainment - Gaming and entertainment industry professionals can create games that offer consumers a sense of humor and a safe space for negative emotions.
3. Social Media and Networking - Professionals in social media and networking can create tools that encourage users to broaden their worldviews and engage with those who have differing perspectives.
5 Featured, 44 Examples:
112,382 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 17 — Nov 18
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