Chitosan-incorporated skincare products are formulated to soothe and regenerate
Trend - Chitosan is an ingredient derived from chitin—which is found in shellfish exoskeletons. Its increased use in the skincare space is due to the interest surrounding its ability to soothe and restore the skin.
Insight - “Skincare” and “self-care” have become synonymous in consumer circles that have adopted structured health and wellness routines, as the process of skincare requires the same discipline and commitment that more traditional forms of self-care like fitness do. Consumers are constantly being met with a multitude of products and ingredients that they can try out. These new shopping habits have led to a growing impulse to find the next “it” product that will transform their skin in the ways that are promised—all by testing wth emerging ingredients and formulas.
Insight - “Skincare” and “self-care” have become synonymous in consumer circles that have adopted structured health and wellness routines, as the process of skincare requires the same discipline and commitment that more traditional forms of self-care like fitness do. Consumers are constantly being met with a multitude of products and ingredients that they can try out. These new shopping habits have led to a growing impulse to find the next “it” product that will transform their skin in the ways that are promised—all by testing wth emerging ingredients and formulas.
Workshop Question - How could your brand pique consumer interest with unheard of ingredients, formulas or formats?
Trend Themes
1. Chitosan-incorporated Skincare Products - The trend of incorporating chitosan in skincare products is due to the interest surrounding its ability to soothe and restore the skin, and is fueled by the desire to find the next 'it' product.
2. Cutting-edge Ingredients in Skincare Products - The use of cutting-edge ingredients like chitosan, Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA), and Vitamin A have become popular to minimize the appearance of puffiness, dark circles, scarring, and to restore and regenerate skin.
3. Focused Skincare Products - With the popularity of structured health and wellness routines, skincare and self-care have become synonymous, leading to skincare products that target specific problems like acne, scars, and cell regeneration.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare Manufacturing Industry - Incorporating natural and cutting-edge ingredients, developing specialized formulas, and designing packaging different from the clinical, minimalist designs can disrupt the industry and cater to the growing impulse to find the next 'it' product.
2. Cosmetics Industry - Innovation in the cosmetics industry can benefit from the trend towards skincare-specific transformations that also incorporate natural ingredients as makeup of the roots enables it to work as skincare as well.
3. Wellness and Health Industry - With the increasing association of skincare with self-care and the interest in natural ingredients, wellness and health professionals can take advantage of the trend by developing products that cater to health and wellness routines that fit with consumer preferences.