Banana flour replaces traditional wheat-based meals and snacks
Trend - The use of banana flour as a base for everything from pasta to baking mixes is on the rise, with this product being used as a replacement for wheat-based products that many consumers now cannot, or choose not to, consume.
Insight - Thanks to the role social media has played in helping people share their daily lives, food has become something that consumers strongly tie into their identity. As a result, consumers have become increasingly particular in their choices, with many favoring novel ingredients that communicate a stronger commitment to one's health and wellness.
Insight - Thanks to the role social media has played in helping people share their daily lives, food has become something that consumers strongly tie into their identity. As a result, consumers have become increasingly particular in their choices, with many favoring novel ingredients that communicate a stronger commitment to one's health and wellness.
Workshop Question - Consider how your brand could customize its product/service to appeal to a new group of consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based and Gluten-free Alternatives - Many conscious consumers are now looking for plant-based and gluten-free alternatives to use in their home cooking and baking projects, including products that are made from legumes, ancient grains and nuts that offer added benefits for one's health.
2. Novel Ingredients for Health and Wellness - Consumers have become increasingly particular in their choices, with many favoring novel ingredients that communicate a stronger commitment to one's health and wellness.
3. Food as a Personal Identity - Thanks to the role social media has played in helping people share their daily lives, food has become something that consumers strongly tie into their identity.
Industry Implications
1. Alternative Flours and Baking Mixes - Business professionals in the food industry could explore offering alternative flours and baking mixes made from bananas, chickpeas, buckwheat, quinoa, and coconut for health-conscious consumers who are looking for gluten-free and plant-based options.
2. Non-dairy Yogurt and Alternative Ingredients - Incorporating banana flour into non-dairy yogurt or using it as an all-natural stabilizer could provide disruptive innovation opportunities for business professionals in the dairy or food additives industry.
3. Paleo and Healthy Pasta Alternatives - Entrepreneurs in the pasta industry could explore creating healthy pasta alternatives for paleo consumers using green banana flour and other minimal ingredients.