Consumers turn to hi-tech solutions to increase routine efficiency
Implications - The growing preference for convenience above all else continues, as consumers search for ways to streamline their personal routines. By opting for automated, on-the-go products, consumers reduce the time they spend on everyday tasks. This shift indicates that consumers hold themselves, and their routines, to a new standard, which they are expected to keep up with in order to buy themselves more leisure time -- which is fast becoming a luxury.
Workshop Question - How will the growth of automation impact your products or services in the future?
Trend Themes
1. Automation - The preference for convenience above all else has given rise to hi-tech solutions to increase routine efficiency.
2. Mobile Products - Consumers are increasingly seeking on-the-go solutions that provide convenience and save time in their busy schedules.
3. Self-cleaning Technology - Products that feature self-cleaning technology are becoming more popular as consumers seek ways to streamline their personal routines and reduce time spent on everyday tasks.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The automation trend has led to an increase in the demand for smart devices and products with self-cleaning technology.
2. Food and Beverage - Mobile coffee brewers and personal chef robots provide convenience and time-savings for busy individuals who want to enjoy a delicious meal or beverage without the hassle of lengthy preparation.
3. Fashion and Beauty - Mapping apps for wardrobes and self-cleaning toothbrushes appeal to individuals who want to streamline their personal care routines and save time, making them ideal for the fashion and beauty industry.