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Automated Brew

Tea consumption is streamlined through automated at-home machines

Implications - Brands are offering automated tea-brewing devices that speed up the process of producing quality teas. Such items remove the ritualistic aspects of brewing and drinking tea, and cater to consumers who are more concerned with convenience, and consuming the beverage as a means to an end.
Workshop Question - How could your brand prioritize convenience in the purchase journey?
Trend Themes
1. Automated Tea-brewing Appliances - Automated tea-brewing appliances are becoming more popular as consumers prioritize convenience and efficiency in their tea preparation. Business professionals can explore the disruptive innovation opportunities in creating automated tea-brewing appliances that cater to specific types of tea, such as loose-leaf or herbal.
2. Smart Herbal-milling Machines - Smart herbal-milling machines offer a novel way to prepare herbs, spices, and teas to achieve the perfect texture or consistency. Business professionals can explore the disruptive innovation opportunities in creating smart herbal-milling machines that cater to different types of ingredients and offer customizable settings for grinding.
3. Ultrasonic Extraction Tea Brewers - Ultrasonic extraction tea brewers utilize a futuristic method of tea brewing that promises improved flavor and health benefits. Business professionals can explore the disruptive innovation opportunities in creating ultrasonic extraction tea brewers that incorporate smart technology to allow for greater customization and convenience.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchen Appliances - The tea brewing trend has led to an increase in demand for kitchen appliances that cater to different types of tea and offer automated and efficient solutions. Business professionals can explore the disruptive innovation opportunities in creating kitchen appliances that cater to specific types of tea and offer unique features, such as programmable brewing or smart technology integration.
2. Natural Remedies - The tea brewing trend reflects a growing consumer interest in natural remedies that offer health benefits and can be easily incorporated into a daily routine. Business professionals can explore the disruptive innovation opportunities in creating natural remedies that utilize different types of tea and offer customizable features, such as personalized blends or targeted health benefits.
3. Smart Home Appliances - The tea brewing trend has led to the development of smart home appliances that offer convenient and efficient solutions for tea preparation. Business professionals can explore the disruptive innovation opportunities in creating smart home appliances that offer unique features, such as voice activation or personalized brewing settings, and cater to different types of tea and user preferences.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
173,026 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Nov 16 — Aug 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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