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Territorial Personalization

Branding personal belongings with custom markings

Implications - As the egoic nature of our society strengthens, consumers feel compelled to mark their territories, not as an animal would, but like children do with stickers. From M&Ms;featuring your photo or wine labels you design, to steaks bearing your initials, people are hungry for new ways to mark their material.
Trend Themes
1. Territorial Personalization - Consumers feel compelled to mark their territories, fueling a 'me-centric' society, leading to personalized candies, cakes, chocolates, etc.
2. Customized Product Marketing - Customized marketing is pushing personalization boundaries and leaving a long-lasting impression on shopping behavior.
3. Eco-friendly Personalization - The search for eco-friendly alternatives has led to companies like Klean Kanteen facilitating customized water bottles for marketing purposes.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - Personalized food and beverage products are transforming the way certain businesses operate, catering to the increasing demand for individualization.
2. Marketing Industry - Innovative marketing strategies like customized bottles and edible printing are taking the industry to new levels, proving that personalization is key to long-lasting engagement.
3. Environment and Sustainability Industry - Companies like Klean Kanteen that offer eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bottles while facilitating customization show the disruptive innovation opportunities in the environment and sustainability industry.
8 Featured
76,620 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Extremely Personalized Cake
Extremely Personalized Cake
Bride Serves Herself to Guests
Proving that everything is bigger in Texas, lone star bride Chidi Ogbuta had her likeness made into a cake for her wedding day. She said it was her childhood dream to have a full sized version of herself… MORE
Custom Eco Adverbottles
Custom Eco Adverbottles
Klean Kanteen Co-Branded Bottles
Personal aluminum bottles are quickly gaining popularity, for health and ethical reasons. Klean Kanteen offers not only stylish plastic bottle alternatives, but the ability to customize them for marketing… MORE
play_circle_filledCoffee Printer
Coffee Printer
Custom Edible Ink Images
"Give me a grande caramel espresso drink with an... image of the Mona Lisa painting on top. No! Make it that picture of me and my grandma at the Grand Canyon. Here, it's on this flash drive." You wouldn't… MORE
Customised Wine and Spirit Labels (Part 2)
Customised Wine and Spirit Labels (Part 2)
Make your next bottle of booze more memorable with a free custom label from Pernod Ricard USA. They will print your personal message on authentic labels for Chivas Regal, The Glenlivet, Jacob's Creek,… MORE
Personalized Candy
Personalized Candy
My Fruit Roll-Ups
Remember Fruit Roll-Ups? The flat, chewy candy that was rolled up with fun little graphics you could peel out? Now imagine that, only with your company logo on it… or a cute graphic featuring your name… MORE
$2400 Box of Chocolate
$2400 Box of Chocolate
Bespoke Personalized Chocolates
Hi, my name is Dee and I am a...gasp.. a chocolate freak. Now I have to work twice as hard at Trend Hunter to get $2,400 for a box of chocolates. Not just any chocolate mind you. The Bespoke Chocolates… MORE
Steak Stencils
Steak Stencils
Meaty Marketing Grill
But at least it's not cheesy! You don't get personalized meat, here. What you're getting is a stainless steel stencil that you can place over your t-bone steak and scorch with a propane burner. This product… MORE
Custom Photo Candies
Custom Photo Candies
You on an M & M
M & M's looked like they had a ground-breaking innovation on their hands when they launched My M & M's, a service that lets you customize your candy-coated chocolates with text or your company logo, but… MORE
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