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Rise of the Fuel Cell

Expect to see a rise in designs employing fuel cells

Implications - Fuel cell technology is quickly changing the way we power our devices, from cell phones and laptop computers to motorcycles and full-sized SUVs. The more that fuel cell innovations emerge, the more consumers will come to expect other, even all, products to align with their eco-conscious principles.
Trend Themes
1. Fuel Cell Innovations - Fuel cell technology is changing the way we power our devices, from cell phones and laptop computers to motorcycles and full-sized SUVs.
2. Eco-friendly Transportation - Automotive designers have envisioned a future full of eco-friendly commuter cars that can communicate with each other to reduce traffic congestion and minimize deadly collisions.
3. Alternative Power Sources - Fuel cell technology could be coming to your laptop in a few years and is a promising alternative to traditional power sources.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - There is a growing demand for eco-friendly vehicles and communication technology that could improve traffic flow, which represents an opportunity for companies in the automotive industry to innovate and stay ahead of the curve.
2. Consumer Electronics Industry - The introduction of fuel cell technology in cell phones and laptops represent an opportunity for companies in the consumer electronics industry to incorporate alternative power sources in their products.
3. Green Technology Industry - The rise of fuel cell technology and eco-friendly transportation presents an opportunity for companies in the green technology industry to develop and market innovative products that align with eco-conscious principles.
11 Featured
87,791 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 07 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

play_circle_filled100 Equinox Fuel Cell Cars Hit The Road
100 Equinox Fuel Cell Cars Hit The Road
Chevy Project Driveway
For "Project Driveway," General Motors unleashed a fleet of 100 Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell cars this month on the streets of New York City, Washington and Los Angeles, all of which will be driven by ordinary… MORE
Vacuum Backpacks
Vacuum Backpacks
Fuel Cell BacVac
I could rant on and on about the hassles of vacuuming, and I think a lot of people would agree with me. The constant leaning over is one such pain and of course there's the dents left from bumping the… MORE
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Motorcycle
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Motorcycle
Honda Cub Motocycle
This new futuristic-looking motorcycle is Sam Jilbert’s Honda Cub Motocycle concept vehicle. It’s like a combination of 19th-century bicycle and a modern-day crotch rocket, not only appealing but eco-friendly… MORE
play_circle_filledGM Hydrogen Fuel Cell Luxury SUV
GM Hydrogen Fuel Cell Luxury SUV
Cadillac Provoq (CES 2008)
Ready for what could be the world's first zero emission luxury SUV? GM's head honcho Rick Wagoner delivered his keynote speech at the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show after rolling on stage in GM's electric-powered… MORE
play_circle_filledPininfarina Sintesi Fuel Cell Concept
Pininfarina Sintesi Fuel Cell Concept
2008 Geneva Motor Show
Beyond being stunning and environmentally friendly, the Pininfarina Sintesi concept aims to fulfill the ultimate Italian driving dream, getting rid of traffic lights. Technology named the Clancast system… MORE
Fuel Cell Vehicles of the Future
Fuel Cell Vehicles of the Future
The Revolute
Will somebody please build one of these neat little cars? How much fun would it be to buzz around the neighborhood or bog in the REVOLUTE? The really cool part? It has a clicker that reconfigures the wheelbase… MORE
Parcel-Carrying Scooters
Parcel-Carrying Scooters
The Cargo by Elliot Ortiz
This attractive scooter dubbed the Cargo was designed by Elliot Ortiz, an industrial design student from San Francisco. The two-wheeled vehicle was conceived as a light cargo vehicle as its name indicates.… MORE
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bicycle
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bicycle
Pearl Hydrogen
Because everyone is demanding eco-friendly products, Pearl Hydrogen has decided to manufacture a hydrogen bicycle. This Chinese invention can travel at 15 mph for 60 miles. When the gas tank hits empty,… MORE
Methanol Powered Laptops
Methanol Powered Laptops
PolyFuel Lenovo T40 ThinkPad
Fuel cell technology could be coming to your laptop in a few years. PolyFuel, a company based in California, has a working prototype that converts methanol fuel to electricity that can run a laptop computer.… MORE
Fuel Cell Powered Cell Phone
Fuel Cell Powered Cell Phone
NEC Flask
NEC has designed a phone that in itself is the fuel cell. A hollow “flask” will hold the fuel, and what looks to be a valve at the bottom of the phone will be used to re-fuel your fuel cell powered… MORE
Water Powered Calculator
Water Powered Calculator
Most hand held calculators are powered by battery or solar energy, but for those looking for another green alternative, there is now a water powered calculator. "Just add water or any other electrolytic… MORE
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