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Customization Consumer Insights

Modular Mini-PC
Compact PCs with replaceable components are gaining popularity
Trend - The traditional benefits of Mini PCs are low costs and low space requirements. Brands are now adding modularity and swappable components to this list, with mini PCs focused around upgradable RAM, SSDs, CPUs, and more, gaining popularity on the consumer-focused side of the industry.

Insight - When choosing a personal computer, customers are faced with a wide array of options for form-factor before they even consider specifications. Form-factor options include laptops, full-size desktops, mini-PCs. Customers that opt for Mini-PCs often do so because of the compact, portable design, the low cost of entry, and the greater performance when compared to a laptop. However, one drawback that prevents more consumers from choosing mini-PCs are their short lifespans and non-upgradeable parts.
Workshop Question - How can we incorporate modularity and upgradability into our products to enhance consumer appeal and longevity?
Postcard Pop-Up
Brands are hosting personalized postcard-making events for consumers to gift
Trend - Postcard-making workshops are becoming a popular feature at pop-up events, offering guests a creative, hands-on way to connect with the brand. These interactive sessions allow participants to create a tangible, personalized product that delivers a message and introduces a new brand to the recipient.

Insight - Consumers seeking unique shopping experiences are increasingly drawn to events that facilitate personal connections with brands and encourage sharing the experience with loved ones. In response, brands are designing pop-ups that allow consumers to create personalized keepsakes for those in their lives and invite these individuals to experience the brand. By focusing on consumers' desire for shareable moments, brands can attract an audience that values community throughout the product journey.
Workshop Question - How can your brand effectively engage with its consumers while considering relevant individuals in their lives?
Modular PSU
Power supply brands are using modular designs for convenience and aesthetics
Trend - Computer hardware brands are releasing power supplies with modular designs that enable users to use only the necessary connectors. This saves space and improves aesthetics in custom builds by reducing clutter. Previously exclusive to higher-end PSUs, even budget devices are adopting modularity.

Insight - Consumer technology enthusiasts frequently build their own custom devices, whether as a hobby or as a cost-saving measure compared to buying prebuilt units. When building their own devices, consumers on a budget often prioritize high-performance components, while on the higher-end of the cost spectrum, aesthetics also become an important factor. Hardware brands are trying to appeal to both consumer segments by launching affordable devices with aesthetic benefits.
Workshop Question - How can your brand incorporate modularity into its products to enhance both functionality and aesthetics for a broader range of consumers?
Absorbent Package
Businesses are using moisture-reducing packaging without desiccant packets
Trend - Businesses are using custom packaging that reduces moisture levels with custom materials that do not require desiccant packets. These packaging materials are more sustainable and cost-effective than traditional plastic packages while having active moisture-reducing qualities that protect contents.

Insight - Brands that sell moisture-sensitive products, such as textiles, F&B, or electronics, are tasked with ensuring their products are sufficiently protected while maintaining low packaging costs and adhering to sustainability goals. These complex desires are leading to material science companies creating new solutions that aim to replace traditional packaging methods. Brands that partner with these material manufacturers can differentiate themselves from competitors and more quickly achieve goals.
Workshop Question - How could your brand improve its operations' sustainability by focusing on packaging innovations?
Savory Advent
Advent calendars with savory dishes are gaining popularity beyond novelty
Trend - Advent calendars, traditionally filled with small snacks, are now being made to include savory meals in each pouch. While this started as a novelty, it is now gaining mainstream popularity. These calendars are intended for consumers who are less interested in treats than traditional foods.

Insight - The holiday season is often categorized as one of consumption, whether it be gifts for loved ones or food and drink. Consumption combined with festivities leads to an increase in people sharing their favorite foods with one another as an expression of the relationship between the two. These consumers are aware that not every individual shares the same preferences for foods in festivities, leading to the diversification of traditional festive products for those with distinct tastes.
Workshop Question - How could your company draw inspiration from less-than-traditional holiday products while creating its new product or service?
Wireless E-Bike
Brands are creating e-bikes with wireless charging solutions for convenience
Trend - E-bike and battery manufacturers are creating wireless charging solutions for convenience and durability. These components have fewer moving parts, require less maintenance, and are intuitive for new riders, lowering the barrier-to-entry for e-bike adoption.

Insight - As electric bicycle adoption continues to rapidly accelerate in North America, Europe, and Asia, companies are continually trying to get ahead of industry trends and meet demands early. One of the reasons customers are drawn to e-bikes is convenience. These bikes require less work than manual bikes to ride, though they require more maintenance to care for the battery and components. In addressing this, brands are launching wireless chargers for e-bikes that enhance convenience.
Workshop Question - How could your brand anticipate consumer demands with convenience-enhancing products?
Taro Pairing
Brands are launching pastries that blend taro with cheese for a balanced palate
Trend - Restaurants and food brands are launching pastries infused with both taro and cheese, combining the sweet, nutty flavor of taro with the rich, savory flavor of cheese. Taro is traditionally found in dishes across East Asia and is now gaining popularity in pastries in North America.

Insight - Consumers are drawn to pastries for their versatility. Pastries can be sweet and sugary, fruity and healthy, or rich and savory. Each consumer may have different preferences, leading to brands consistently experimenting with new ingredients to include in pastries. Some brands have responded to this pressure by looking to cultural recipes from other regions. Out of these recipes, customers in North America have shown interest in mixed taro and cheese pastries for their blended flavors.
Workshop Question - How can your brand incorporate unique cultural ingredients into its recipe offerings to attract customers interested in blended flavors?
Upgradeable Tech
Brands are launching tech products designed to be upgraded and repaired by users
Trend - Brands are launching technology products designed to be upgraded by the end-user. This includes laptops, smartphones, and gaming devices. This reduces manufacturing costs and consumer costs by allowing brands to sell single components at lower prices, instead of completely new devices to users who want upgrades.

Insight - Consumers are increasingly familiar with technology due to the pandemic and the younger generations growing up surrounded by devices. These consumers often repair and upgrade their own products rather than seek help from repair businesses as a cost-saving measure. As a direct result of this, these consumers are drawn to products designed to be opened and repaired. This creates a demand for businesses to sell individual components and products designed to be opened and modified, with a focus on products not as commonly designed to be repairable and upgradable, such as phones or laptops.
Workshop Question - How can your brand reduce costs by creating product for the younger tech-familiar generations that can be easily upgraded and modified?
Tailored Computer
Tech companies are using open-source operating systems for curation
Trend - Computer manufacturers are using open-source operating systems (OS) to create more curated experiences for consumers while simultaneously diversifying the OS market. These open-source systems offer benefits that range from streamlined processes and user interfaces to personalization.

Insight - Many consumers that use computers for either entertainment or professional purposes feel that traditional operating systems are difficult to navigate and are cumbersome. Companies are adapting to this pressure by equipping computers with operating systems that are tailored to the desired use case. This leads to developer-focused laptops with coding-focused home pages or gaming computers that launch directly into gaming platforms.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better curate its services or experiences for each consumer group?
Modular Music
Modular instruments are delivering a more accessible approach to music-making
Trend - Companies are launching specialized and accessible modular music-making units for beginners and enthusiasts. The flexible format is portable, lending itself to the specific needs of the user and enabling them to create an intuitive approach to their craft.

Insight - Whether it is for work, a hobby, or something else, contemporary consumers are placing a premium on personalization because it affords them peace of mind by allowing them to design a product that perfectly fits their needs. By being able to tailor something to their exact specifications, individuals feel relieved that they haven't wasted time in surveying a plethora of options on the market, but also reassured and better supported in their unique endeavor.
Workshop Question - How can your brand use personalization to market to consumers?