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Humor Bombing

The public delights in the unexpected, leading to a new web phenomenon

Implications - Humor bombing is a new way individuals, artists and brands are catching the eyes of consumers. The element of surprise inherent in yarn bombing, photobombing and even Photoshop bombing has gone viral online, spawning many different versions of "humor bombing." This low cost, high impact form of guerrilla marketing is a great way to engage the blogosphere.
Trend Themes
1. Humor Bombing - The element of surprise is a key factor in humor bombing, inspiring more artists and even brands to create their own versions of the trend.
2. Yarn Bombing - The increasing popularity of yarn bombing has opened up many disruptive innovation opportunities for artistic brands and individuals to engage the public creatively.
3. Urban Street Art - Eyebombing, a new trend that involves putting googly eyes on inanimate objects in public spaces to humanize the city, is quickly taking off as a subtle form of urban street art.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing & Advertising - Humor bombing provides a low-cost and high-impact form of guerrilla marketing that companies can use to engage audiences in a variety of different ways.
2. Art & Design - Yarn bombing and other urban street art trends highlight opportunities for artists and designers to create more engaging public spaces by using everyday objects in creative ways.
3. Social Media & Photography - The rise of photo-bombing dogs and other photo-fad trends highlights new ways that businesses can leverage social media and user-generated content to reach out to new audiences.
5 Featured, 44 Examples:
573,427 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 11 — Mar 13

Featured Examples

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