The Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes Tumblr Site is Hilarious and Odd
Going Like Sixty — April 12, 2011 — Celebs
References: chickswithstevebuscemeyes.tumblr & summify
This Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes Tumblr site presents a number of celebrities donning the eyes of the iconic star Steve Buscemi.
These mash-up photographs will definitely make you look twice as it presents a drastic change from how these individuals looked previously. Featuring Pink, Katy Perry and Mila Kunis to name a few, this Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes site transforms these celebs into people who are almost unrecognizable. Though the blog may cause outrage from the celebs featured, fans of hilarious images and these gorgeous female stars are sure to enjoy this interesting and captivating Tumblr blog site.
These mash-up photographs will definitely make you look twice as it presents a drastic change from how these individuals looked previously. Featuring Pink, Katy Perry and Mila Kunis to name a few, this Chicks With Steve Buscemi Eyes site transforms these celebs into people who are almost unrecognizable. Though the blog may cause outrage from the celebs featured, fans of hilarious images and these gorgeous female stars are sure to enjoy this interesting and captivating Tumblr blog site.
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Mash-up - Opportunity for creative content marketing campaigns featuring celebrity mash-up photos or videos.
2. Visual Disruption - Opportunity for visual artists or designers to create thought-provoking and humorous visual content.
3. Body Positivity - Opportunity for a body positivity movement that celebrates unique physical features and challenges societal beauty standards.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Opportunity for the entertainment industry to create new forms of comedic content featuring celebrity mash-up images or videos.
2. Advertising - Opportunity for advertising agencies to incorporate visually disruptive content into their campaigns to capture audience attention.
3. Fashion and Beauty - Opportunity for beauty and fashion brands to embrace and celebrate unique physical features like eyes and facial features.