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69 Socially Conscious T-Shirts

From Earthquake Relief Fashion to Recycled Awareness Apparel

— August 29, 2013 — Business
This collection of socially conscious t-shirts reflects the movement in social business to create apparel that has more meaning than a regular graphic tee. Many tops are meant to raise awareness or funds for a particular cause or relief effort, such as youth voting, animal conservation, earthquakes and other devastating natural disasters. For others a portion of proceeds go directly to that cause, such as providing research funds. Another approach is one-for-one campaigns, where for every t-shirt purchased the social business donates a tee to a person who wouldn't otherwise have access, like the poor or people in developing countries.

However, the effectiveness of socially conscious t-shirts is debatable. While it is admirable to support a social enterprise rather than a consumerist brand, how much good are these t-shirts doing? With a one-for-one campaign, for example, people in developing needs don't have access to basic needs like clean water, and a tee is the least of their issues.
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Secondhand Social Change
Secondhand Social Change
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Artistic Hurricane Relief Apparel
Artistic Hurricane Relief Apparel
Support Hurricane Sandy Victims with This Iconic Tee
Charitable Hurricane Tees (UPDATE)
Charitable Hurricane Tees (UPDATE)
The Manhattan Blackout Tee by Sebastian Errazuriz is Endearing
Child Charity Tees
Child Charity Tees
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One-for-One Apparel Campaigns (UPDATE)
One-for-One Apparel Campaigns (UPDATE)
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The Mother's Psychic T-Shirts are Cleverly Clairvoyant Clot
Environmentally Conscious Duds
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Inspiring Disaster Relief Tees
Inspiring Disaster Relief Tees
Kris Van Assche x Misericordia 'We Love Japan' Brings Hope to Japan
Charitable Research T-Shirts
Charitable Research T-Shirts
The Kelly Klein x ATM Art Basel Collection is Benevolent
Supportive Charitable Clothing
Supportive Charitable Clothing
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Philanthropic Flag Fashions
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The Gucci ‘GG Flag’ Collection in Association with UNICEF
Earthquake Relief Fashion
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Oil-Splattered Tees
Oil-Splattered Tees
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Disease-Fighting Fashion
Disease-Fighting Fashion
The Margiela Aids AW 10/11 T-Shirt is a Good Start
Weeping Critter Tees
Weeping Critter Tees
The Andrea Crews Crying Animal T-Shirt Collection Supports Animal Rights
Charitable Feline Clothing
Charitable Feline Clothing
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Woven Recycled Apparel
Woven Recycled Apparel
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Three-in-One Tees
Three-in-One Tees
These Plain White Tees from Threadless Have Multiple Hidden Designs
Donation-Depicting Tees
Donation-Depicting Tees
The Unicef, BBH & Threadless GOOD SHIRTS Represent What You Donate
Haitian Help Shirts
Haitian Help Shirts
The Undrcrwn Assist Haiti Tee Contributes to the Recovery Effort
Oil Spill Tee Shirts
Oil Spill Tee Shirts
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Dolphin-Friendly Apparel
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Rockstar Relief Apparel
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Disaster Relief Streetwear
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Anti-Tribute Apparel
Anti-Tribute Apparel
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Stand-Out Presidential T-Shirts
Stand-Out Presidential T-Shirts
Obama is Outstanding
Earthquake Relief Tees
Earthquake Relief Tees
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At-Risk Teen Tees
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Shirt Tag Seeds
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Fashion for First Time Voters -
Orange for a Cause
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Talking Animal T-Shirts
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Socially Responsible Sportswear
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Charitable Icon Tees
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Faded Hope Tees
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Obama T-Shirt is One of Many Second-Look Inducing Tees from Freshjive
Inaugural Couture
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‘Runway to Change' Celebrates Obama Inauguration in Style
Rockin' Relief Tees
Rockin' Relief Tees
Rock Your Cause Supports Important Issues Through Threads
Political Statement T-Shirts
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Natural Disaster Charity Tees
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Luxurious Socially Conscious Tees
Luxurious Socially Conscious Tees’s Socially Conscious Apparel Gives Fashion a Kind
T-Shirts for Haiti
T-Shirts for Haiti
Fashion Leaders & Celebs Help a Worthwhile Cause
Anti-Discriminatory Fashion
Anti-Discriminatory Fashion
Pre-Consumer Waste Apparel
Pre-Consumer Waste Apparel
Looptworks Sustainable Clothing Line is Ecotastic
Disaster Relief Clothing
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The Army for Japan Shirt by The Salvation Army Raises Funds and Awareness
Controversial Customized Tees
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The 'Recycle Me' Collection Has a Lot of Heart
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Charity Designer Apparel
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Sales from the Stussy x Fragment Design Shirt Go to Red Cross for Japan
Disaster Donation Apparel
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Charitable Indie Fashion
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American Apparel Yellow Bird Project Brings Together Big Stars
Fashionable Charity Tees
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QR Donation Apparel
QR Donation Apparel
The Charitable Pray for Japan Red Cross Shirt