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Top 100 Education Trends in 2013

From Preschooler Programmer Toys to Crowdsourced Homework Help

— January 31, 2014 — Social Good
For many adults, the formal education system leaves way too many gaps in its curriculum for it to be granted complete control when educating kids. Thus, education trends in 2013 reflect a wave of parents, toy companies and websites taking matters into their own hands and offering alternative education. This means everything from language sensitivity-training sites to zombie survival colleges.

Back at formal schooling environments, education trends skewed more toward building a sense of community and encouraging inclusive play. Many anti-bullying efforts, such as the teen bullying awareness tees and anti-homophobic language campaigns, showed that when it comes to school, education is not the only thing to be concerned with.

The education industry is growing as quickly as its students do. Keep up with the trends by checking out our Education Trend Report.
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